Tag: Spring

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  • Wishing and hoping for an early spring

    I think most of us always look forward to springtime. The temperatures are warmer so we can get outside more. The flowers start to bloom and soon the trees will start to “green up” with an abundance of new foliage. There is something about hearing the first frogs croak as they start to venture out…


    Wishing and hoping for an early spring

  • I love spring but hate what it brings

    BY KYLE LOVERN I truly love spring. I love hearing the echoes of the first frogs croaking on a mild evening. I love daylight saving time and getting that extra hour of sunshine. I love baseball season. I love watching the green grass grow again. I love seeing the trees like dogwoods and redbuds blossom…


    I love spring but hate what it brings

  • Trash everywhere

    April is time to shine The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and … the trash is everywhere. It’s a familiar scene this time of year. As the winter melts away each spring, Martin County residents are reminded about what lies in the ditch lines, over creek banks, up hollers and in the streams…