Trash everywhere

April is time to shine

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and … the trash is everywhere.

It’s a familiar scene this time of year.

As the winter melts away each spring, Martin County residents are reminded about what lies in the ditch lines, over creek banks, up hollers and in the streams – litter.

All that garbage is what will bring volunteers out in April in a litter collection effort to keep our county beautiful.

April is that small window of time between the melt of winter and when the foliage starts to bloom. It’s the perfect opportunity to get as much trash cleaned up as possible because it’s all visible and easily accessible.

Several cleanups have already happened in the county.

Court workers recently picked up 30 bags of trash from Warfield to Warfield Park, and political candidates have been busy cleaning up trash along Route 908.

The Pigeon Roost community will conduct a cleanup Saturday, while the City of Inez plans to pick up litter April 23.

Volunteers are needed – because someone has to clean it up.

April is PRIDE month, and these cleanups are opportunities for all of us to show our pride in our communities.

Now, before the snakes start crawling and the weeds grow over the trash.

People see trash and associate that with the community.

When litter is everywhere, people think, “What’s one more piece?”

If we pick up the litter, surely people will feel less inclined to litter.

If everyone picks up some trash in their neighborhood, street or holler, it will make a difference.

Let’s help our community to be a beautiful and safe environment.

Help Martin County shine.


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