INEZ — Judge Brett Butcher heard the following cases Feb. 6 in Martin District Court:
Fredia Mae Cook (arraignment) — Speeding 22 mph over (school zone): Amended to 10 mph over, six-month diversion.
Albert Joshua Deskins (jury trial) — Driving under influence, second: ADE classes, loss of license to be determined by Department of Transportation, seven days to serve, credit one day, six days in-home incarceration, fine and court cost, $958, show cause 2/2/25 at 10 a.m.
Rodney Aaron Fuggett (arraignment) — Speeding 20 mph over limit; failure to wear seat belts; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to produce insurance card: Order.
Tanner Ray Jacob Lee Gantt (motion to set aside) — Inadequate silencer (muffler): Dismissed.
John Howard Griffith (arraignment) — Criminal trespassing, third degree: Pleaded guilty, allegations taken as true, $100 fine and court cost.
Anthony M. Jude (motion hour) — Receiving stolen property $500-$1,000, set aside bench warrant, reset 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
Bobbi Jo Jude (arraignment) — Speeding 17 mph over (school zone); failure to produce insurance card: Failure to appear.
Kiarra Brooke Jude (arraignment) — 1. Speeding 17 mph over (school zone); 2. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Six-month diversion; 2. Dismissed, proof shown.
James G. Long (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; leaving scene of accident/failure to render aid or assistance: Failure to appear.
Joey Mat Luster (arraignment) — 1. Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol, .08, first; 2. Reckless driving: 1. Pleaded guilty, $200 fine and court cost, ADE classes, loss of license to be determined by DOT, show cause 2/2/25 at 10 a.m.; 2. Dismissed in exchange for plea.
Ella Louise Marcum (arraignment) — Assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), minor injury: One-year conditional dismissal, no contact with Steve Marcum, waived court cost.
Alexis B. Mills (arraignment) — Speeding 10 mph over limit: Six-month diversion.
Brandon Michael Parsons (arraignment) — Speeding 23 mph over limit: Order.
Amber C. Ruble (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to register transfer of motor vehicle; failure to produce insurance card; rear license not illuminated: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 3/19/24 at 10 a.m.
Sara B. Walker (arraignment) — No/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to produce insurance card; license to be in possession: Order.
Laken Alexandria Wilson (arraignment) — Speeding 15 mph over limit: Order.
Earnest Dingess Jr. (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), minor injury: One-year conditional dismissal, no unlawful contact with Darrisa Adkins, waived court cost.
Johnny Fields (pretrial conference) — Leaving scene of accident/failure to render aid or assistance: Failure to appear.
Calvin Fletcher (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), no visible injury: Reset 4/30/24 at 10 a.m.
Billie Ray Horn (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree, minor injury: Reset 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
Ashley Iricks (pretrial conference) — Harassing communications: Reset 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
Ashley N. Iricks (pretrial conference) — Assault, fourth degree, minor injury: Reset 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
Louellen Jennings (pretrial conference) — 1. No/expired registration plates; 2. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; 3. Improper display of registration plate: 1. Pleaded guilty, $25 fine and court cost, show cause 8/6/24 at 9:30 a.m.; 2-3. Dismissed.
Anthony M. Jude (pretrial conference) — Receiving stolen property $500-$1,000: Rescheduled 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
Steve Marcum (pretrial conference) — 1. Alcohol intoxication in a public place, first and second; 2. Disorderly conduct, first degree; 3. Assault, fourth degree (domestic violence), minor injury: One-year conditional dismissal, no contact with Ella Marcum, waived court cost.
James Wesley McCoy (pretrial conference) — Violation of Kentucky EPO/DVO: Do not be in contact or on any property of complaining witness, reset 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
James Wesley McCoy (pretrial conference) — Violation of Kentucky EPO/DVO: Do not be on property within 500 feet, no contact, reset 2/20/24 at 10 a.m.
Shawn D. Moore (pretrial conference) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Pleaded guilty, 30 days, probation two years on condition he has no new charge, no driving. Waived court cost.
Charles Patrick (pretrial conference) — Harassment, no physical contact: Two-year diversion on condition he has no contact with Angela Vinson, attends counseling, pays court cost. Show cause 8/6/24 at 9:30 a.m.
Amber Ruble (pretrial conference) — Endangering the welfare of a minor: One-year diversion on condition she complies with Cabinet and has no new violation.
James McCoy (preliminary hearing) — Operating motor vehicle under influence of controlled substance, first; no/expired registration plates; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine): Reset 2/20/24 at 11 a.m.
Allen Brewer (preliminary hearing) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine): Amended to second-degree possession, defendant pleaded guilty, six months to serve.
Anthony Michael Jude (preliminary hearing) — 1. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 2. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; 3. Convicted felon in possession of a firearm: Probable cause, waived to grand jury.