What do you think about Trump taking the Fifth Amendment?

Skeeter John said:

The 5th amendment protects us against self-incrimination. If you commit a crime, you’re allowed to plead the 5th instead of admitting to it in court to avoid perjury. Pleading the 5th isn’t technically an admission to whatever they’re accusing him of, but it’s a clear indication he did something he doesn’t want the law to know about. We have numerous recordings from before and during his presidency of him indicating he believes he is above the law because of his money. It’s one thing to support the crook, but to deny he has broken the law is just sheep behavior at this point. But whatever, keep worshipping your false idol. God Bless, Skeeter John

lost dem said:

I reckon that’s a what every other political figure is a doin’. Look at the Speaker and her man. Old Paul got sent to the “Dog House” for five days over a minimally publicized DUI as a look-here-not-there ploy while his wife is raking in millions from insider trading. They do not even try to hide this stuff anymore, it’s inspiring. Our government has become the very EXACT thing that drove the founding of this county. I’d rather have the truth in a brunt mean context than a lie trying to make me feel better about the money they take. FJB

KAG said:

“Only a Crook Pleads the 5th.” Who said this? Donald J. Trump. Guess what happened when Donald testified under oath? He pleads the 5th over 400 times. I think he is a crook by his own words.

Alice Emmett said:

As Trump said: “You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” 😂😂😂

Ann said: 

I’m always Team Trump regardless of what he says or does.

Debbie Chapman said:

Good for him. They are only doing Trump that way so he won’t be able to run for POTUS. But I sure hope he gets to!

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