Is Ukraine deal really a deal?
America has given Ukraine a lot of money. Does anyone really know? President Trump recently said $350 billion while other sources say we have spent less than $200 billion. A billion dollars is a billion dollars. Hundreds of billions of dollars mean Americans across our country are being taxed hard-earned dollars to send to another…
Uncommon Sense: Utility bills, gasoline prices, Ukraine
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Most of us simply want peace in our lives, nation and world. We enjoy resting in a warm or cool house, with something to eat, free from worry and stress. Peace is not always easy. This winter, chances are that your heating bill was chomping on your checking account and taking…
Uncommon Sense: Ukranian and American Pain
We must unplug from Russia, China DR. GLENN MOLLETTE America is no longer buying energy or vodka from Russia. Russians can no longer buy a McDonald’s hamburger. They can’t pay for their gasoline with a Visa, Mastercard, or even an American Express card. One thousand Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants have ceased operations in Russia. How…