Martin County court dockets
Circuit Court INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Feb. 6 in Martin Circuit Court: Andrea Caudill (change of plea) — 1. Complicity unlawful acquiring metals, injury to property greater than $3,000; 2. First-degree possession of controlled substance/cocaine, first offense; 3. Complicity criminal trespassing, third degree: 1. Pleaded guilty, two years one…
Judge issues burglary and drug charges against two men
BY ROGER SMITH MOUNTAIN CITIZEN INEZ — Martin Circuit Judge J. Kevin Holbrook has formally charged two men in separate criminal cases, setting the stage for their upcoming court appearances. Joshua Lee Mills, 43, of Tomahawk, faces a third-degree burglary charge. Prosecutors say he broke into a home in Tomahawk on Jan. 14 with intent…
Martin County court dockets for Jan. 13-16
District Court INEZ — Judge John T. Chafin heard the following cases Jan. 13 and 14 in Martin District Court: Clayton Jude (arraignment) — Public intoxication controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Defendant not present, bench warrant, $250 cash. Aaron J. Marcum (arraignment) — Operating motor vehicle under influence of substance, first: Pleaded guilty, $200 fine and…
Martin County court dockets Dec. 17 & 19
Circuit Court INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Dec. 19 in Martin Circuit Court: Joy Armes (change of plea) — Trafficking in a controlled substance, first offense: Pleaded guilty, probation unsupervised five years, forfeit all items seized by law enforcement, including cash, sentencing 2/6/25 at 10 a.m. Joy Armes (change of…
Martin County court dockets Dec. 2-5
Circuit Court INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Dec. 5 in Martin Circuit Court: Steve A. Marcum (motion to revoke probation) — Bench warrant to remain active. Paul Brewer (change of plea) — Bail jumping, first degree: Pleaded guilty, sentencing 12/19/24 at 10 a.m., one and one-half years, concurrent to Martin…
Martin County court dockets Nov. 4-7
Circuit Court INEZ — Judge Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Nov. 7 in Martin Circuit Court: Brianna Ellis (change of plea) — 1. Complicity/ possession of a controlled substance, first degree (fentanyl); 2. Complicity/ possession of a controlled substance/heroin, first offense: 1. One year; 2. One year. Sentences concurrent with each other and consecutive…
Martin County court docket
INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases Sept. 19 in Martin Circuit Court: Edward L. Moore (change of plea) — Trafficking in a controlled substance, first degree, first offense: Pleaded guilty, three years consecutive to 24-CR-51, 52 and 53, sentencing 11/7/24 at 10 a.m. Edward L. Moore (change of plea) — Trafficking…
Martin County court dockets
District Court INEZ — Judge Brett Butcher heard the following cases Sept. 3 in Martin District Court: Alexander Samuel Allen (arraignment) — Speeding 16 mph over limit; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure to produce insurance card: Failure to appear. Bobby Lee Allen (arraignment) — Failure to wear seat belts; license to be…
Martin County court docket for July 18
INEZ — Judge John Kevin Holbrook heard the following cases July 18 in Martin Circuit Court: Kody Harless (change of plea) — Pleaded guilty: 1. Complicity possession of controlled substance, first degree, fentanyl, amended to facilitation to possession of controlled substance first; 2. Complicity possession of controlled substance, first, heroin, amended to facilitation to possession…
Tomahawk man formally charged with drug possession
BY ROGER SMITH MOUNTAIN CITIZEN INEZ — A Tomahawk man has been formally charged with first-degree possession of a controlled substance. Martin Circuit Judge J. Kevin Holbrook issued the information June 28 against 33-year-old Jonathan Perry based on evidence presented by the Commonwealth Attorney. Court documents state that Perry had methamphetamine in his possession during…