The Pastor’s Pen: Everything you need to know about unforgiveness
JACK WARD Grudges. Revenge. Hate. Is there anyone you cannot forgive for what they have done to you? What does the Bible say about that person that you cannot forgive? What does the Bible say about those who will not or cannot forgive? A passage in the book of Romans tells us all that we…
The Pastor’s Pen: When There is Hope
Jack Ward Joyce Hollyday tells the story of a school teacher assigned to visit children in a large city hospital who received a routine call requesting that she see a particular child. The teacher took the boy’s name and room number and was told by the teacher on the other end of the line, “We’re…
The Pastor’s Pen: Are You Going to Church?
Jack WardPastor, Tomahawk Missionary Baptist Church A churchgoer wrote a letter to the newspaper editor and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t…
The Pastor’s Pen: Addicted to Pleasure
BY JACK WARD What someone has called the pleasure explosion has overtaken us so that in the United States alone, the pleasure business has been growing at an average rate of $12 billion a year since 1965. Thrills and chills are available on demand. Popular amusement parks offer themes and thrills of all sorts, including…
The Pastor’s Pen: Cure for the World’s Most Hopeless Man
BY JACK WARD Doctors of old times tested the sanity of mental patients with the following test: The patient was placed in a room with a sink. The faucet was turned on, and a stopper was put in the drain until the sink overflowed. The patient was then handed a mop, and the door was…
Jesus can hear what you think
BY MOLLY HINKLE Some people live as though my big brother Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and loving savior God almighty, doesn’t exist. As if He never gave His word and as if they can do or say anything without consequences. Yes, even some believers act this way, but God makes it clear that our relationships…
The Pastor’s Pen: How Do You Measure Evil?
Jack Ward, PastorTomahawk Missionary Baptist Church Some people claim there is no God because there is evil in the world. That is really a backward statement. Let me explain. Is cold something that can be measured? Absolutely not. There is no measurement for cold. We measure heat only. What is greater? Heat or cold? Heat…
The Pastor’s Pen: Remember how to stand up
BY JACK WARD The birth of a giraffe: The first things to emerge are the baby giraffe’s front hooves and head. A few minutes later, the plucky newborn is hurled forth, falls 10 feet, and lands on its back. Within seconds, he rolls to an upright position with his legs tucked under his body. From…
Count the cost
BY MOLLY HINKLE Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of the mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like…
The Pastor’s Pen: Surrender
BY JACK WARD Paul Stanley tells this story from his military experience: “As an infantry company commander in Vietnam in 1967, I saw Viet Cong soldiers surrender many times. As they were placed in custody, marched away, and briefly interrogated, their body language and facial expressions always caught my attention. Most hung their heads in…