Does the grocery store scare you? Can Washington care?
Does the grocery store scare you? What about buying eggs? Do you dread driving to Walmart? Do you remember a day when it was fun? I remember the old days of going to my Grandfather Hinkle’s grocery store in old Stidham, Kentucky. Today that would be South Milo Road in Tomahawk, Kentucky. I could buy…
What did we learn from Nov. 5?
What did we learn from the majority of America’s voters Nov. 5? We learned that the majority of America’s voters want border security. Americans are tired of millions of undocumented people from any place in the world flooding into America. We want them to come legally. The reports of gangs growing in our cities, apartment…
Rising prices: One thing you can do
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Reports are pointing to an 8.9% raise for Social Security recipients. While it won’t feel like enough, it may buy you a sack of groceries or a tank of gasoline. This is a big maybe on the gasoline as California reports prices of over $8 per gallon. Some of our government…
Inflation has hit hard, affects most everyone
Country singer Marty Stuart has a song that many of us can relate to these days — “There’s too much month at the end of the money.” His song hits the nail directly on the head. Inflation has hit many of us hard in the last few months. Gasoline averages $4 per gallon in the…