Your loan is between you and your bank
Many years ago I took out a second mortgage on my home. The house had grown in value and had at least $30,000 of equity. At that time, I had multiple reasons. The second mortgage added a second monthly payment to my already very tight budget. I made both the original payment and the second…
Be grateful if you aren’t in the story
I’m burned out watching the news. I don’t enjoy feeling like I want to throw up. There has to be more to life than taking in the world headlines every morning and every evening. However, I have to pause and give thanks because I’m not part of the news story. I don’t want to be…
Keep working—somebody has to pay for all this
Prayers for the devastated people in the Middle East. Prayers for the families who have had loved ones murdered before their very eyes. Prayers for the families who have loved ones held as hostages. We pray for their safety and release. Prayers that hate-filled terrorists may be overcome. Why do we have such evil on…
What if Hamas invaded America?
What would happen if several thousand members of ISIS or a group similar to Hamas invaded our Southern border? What if a group of 5,000 terrorists with semi-automatic weapons stormed our border? What would it look like? It might look like the Southern border of Israel – horrific. We were totally caught off guard Sept.…
America in chaos
New York Mayor Eric Adams has recently been on a trip to Mexico and parts of South America preaching the urgent message, “Don’t come to New York City!” It is good that he is making this evangelistic crusade to convert those being fooled in third-world countries. New York has become a migrant magnet with over…
Hell’s fire, treat others the way you want to be treated
Do you worry about going to hell? Will you burn there in hell’s fire? Will you be in the hands of the Devil? Hell may be a place where people are locked into a room with endless Presidential candidates hollering and speaking over each other to the point that nothing makes much sense, and everybody…
Can you afford a new car?
If you can’t afford a new car now, it won’t get easier. Supposedly the average new car price in America is “about” $30,000, according to ftc.gov. Be wary of the preposition “about.” It gets tougher all the time to walk out of a dealership with a new car that has very many bells and whistles…
Mitch McConnell: Does he really feel like working?
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Is Senator Mitch McConnell too old to serve in the United States Senate? The same question is being asked of California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, President Joe Biden, and even former President Donald Trump. How old is too old? Some people are old and sickly by the time they are 50…
Biden, Trump and world issues: Fervor or fever?
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Every day in America we hear the names of Biden and Trump mentioned on various news television or radio stations. We daily hear about the struggles of Ukraine and Russia. Border security, illegal immigrants, inner city issues and China are almost daily themes. How could we ever get through a day…