Police officers and citizens must have mutual respect
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE American citizens need police officers. Our state police, county sheriff’s department and city police all deserve our help, respect and decent pay. None of us like being recipients of speeding or other motor vehicle violations. However, often a warning or a ticket may be what it takes to get our attention…
Tired of hearing about China? Stop the cash flow
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Do you get tired of hearing about China? Now we have floating surveillance balloons over our country. We are yet to know for sure what this is about, but time will tell. China is probably scouting out the next land or business purchase. They may have come up with an easy…
Monterey Park, Evansville shootings, Hero Brandon Tsay: We need the news, good and bad
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE We like good news, but typically the news is not good. Too often, no news is good news. In reality, no news is bad news for us all. There is lots of recent bad news. A crazed gunman entered a dance hall in Monterey Park, Calif., killing 10 people and wounding…
Grieving and suffering loss
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Throughout the years, many of us watched Barbara Walters from NBC to ABC. I always tried to watch her special interviews. Often, the people she interviewed on prime-time television specials were “the” high-profile people at that given time. She became the highest-paid journalist of her day, being the first to sign…
Christmas rest and peace
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Christmas is a good time to catch up on your pumpkin pie eating. Pecan pie seems readily available, so this, too, is a good option. Try to drink one glass of eggnog during the season of joy. Eggnog has some calories and fat grams, but one glass won’t hurt you too…
Christmas is in your heart
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Christmas once started for me when the JC Penny and Sears catalogs came in the mail. They came early in the Fall and I wore them out looking at the toy section. By December, the catalogs were in shambles. My mother used to order clothes and other stuff from those catalogs.…
Have Thanksgiving every day
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Thanksgiving always comes and goes too fast. We often think, “We need more time to focus on the Thanksgiving holiday.” For many, it seems that Thanksgiving gets sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas. By late September, many of the stores and television commercials are focusing on Christmas. The only way we can…
Billions spent on the election while Americans struggle
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Total cost of 2022 state and federal midterm elections may have exceeded $16 billion, according to an OpenSecrets analysis. Federal candidates and political committees spent over $8 billion, while state candidates, party committees and ballot measure committees spent close to $8 billion. Here are the five most expensive Senate races this…
Thanksgiving and a lifestyle of saying ‘thank you’
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Thanksgiving is coming and it’s never out of season to say “thank you.” Say “thank you” to your local politicians. The majority of those who pursue an office lose. Losing is tough and usually expensive. Thank them for their interest in your community or state and for the time they gave…
Rising prices: One thing you can do
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Reports are pointing to an 8.9% raise for Social Security recipients. While it won’t feel like enough, it may buy you a sack of groceries or a tank of gasoline. This is a big maybe on the gasoline as California reports prices of over $8 per gallon. Some of our government…