Tag: Dawn Reed

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  • Telling the Story: Last words

    BY DAWN REED Moses is just about to die. In a few pages, he will climb Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah and then be buried by the LORD (Deuteronomy 34). I’ve been dreading it for days. Reading the Bible chronologically this year, the LORD has breathed new life into the old, old stories…


    Telling the Story: Last words

  • The story of Saint Patrick

    BY DAWN REED The true story of St. Patrick is not for the faint of heart. In fact, when I have the opportunity to share it with the church kids, I don’t give all the details to the little ones. While much is available on the internet these days, I learned Pat’s amazing story years…


    The story of Saint Patrick

  • Telling the Story: Holding on to things we don’t need

    BY DAWN REED It was a delicious meal, shared with good friends. We had found a retro Italian place an hour away-new for all of us. The appetizers were yummy. I had never had cheese fonduta before. Now it’s a favorite. A take on cheese fondue, we dipped chunks of sourdough bread, pepperoncini, and salami…


    Telling the Story: Holding on to things we don’t need

  • Telling the Story: Girded up

    BY DAWN REED On the outside, I looked fabulous: a new white wig in place, pink sparkly cat-eyed glasses, and a puffy pink gown with lots of tulle and glitter. Below the surface, not so much. The fear of being pulled over or in an accident kept me driving very carefully. I have the absolute…


    Telling the Story: Girded up

  • Comfort in times of trouble

    BY DAWN REED My heart hurt over the man’s troubles. One thing after another was going wrong in his life. Loss after loss had laid him low. And he didn’t understand. He had been faithful to God. Why was he suffering so? I had known of the man’s heartaches and loss. Reading it again stirred…


    Comfort in times of trouble

  • Telling the Story: Stuck in the Time Machine

    BY DAWN REED The timer started when the door closed. We were in a 1950s living room. Clues were hidden about; we just had to find them. Our niece, Cassie, recently stopped in Lexington on her way to Vermont. Our son thought it would be great to do an escape game while she was there.…


    Telling the Story: Stuck in the Time Machine

  • Telling the Story: Pondering a Heaven-iversary

    BY DAWN REED Do they eat cake in heaven? That’s one of the things I’m pondering today. My mom went to heaven three years ago this morning at 7 a.m. Sometimes my brain spins with what’s going on up there. The term “heaven-iversary” seems appropriate. (You have to say it a few times for it…


    Telling the Story: Pondering a Heaven-iversary

  • The way maker chain breaker

    BY DAWN REED On Sunday mornings, I worship in a warm, cozy sanctuary. I lift my frequently-offkey voice in songs of praise. I sing words that tell of chains being gone, of freedom, of God making a way, of His blessings. I sometimes raise my hands, though I am more prone to do it at…


    The way maker chain breaker

  • A season for everything

    BY DAWN REED My beloved spoke words to me this week that cut me to the quick. I was minding my own business, not bothering anybody, when he announced, “I believe it’s time to take down the Christmas decorations.” I did not respond. I hate this time of year: the un-decorating of all things Christmas.…


    A season for everything

  • The hot cocoa do-over

    BY DAWN REED Very early Sunday morning, I burned the hot chocolate. Two cups of sugar, one cup of cocoa, four dashes of salt, one cup of water, and 3 teaspoons of vanilla came to a boil and, before I knew it, began to smoke. Burnt cocoa is the worst. The stench filled the kitchen.…


    The hot cocoa do-over