Tag: Dawn Reed

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  • Calling for help

    BY DAWN REED Steve is a genius. Really. He is a pharmacist, a deacon, a missionary, plus so much more. I can’t think of anything he can’t do. His wife, Alicia, is also very intelligent. They both have hearts for Jesus, serve Him faithfully and are dear friends. Steve and Alicia are leading our mission…


    Calling for help

  • From bumper pads to graduation gown

    BY DAWN REED Graduation is a wonderful time-even through the tears. Teenagers are accomplishing great milestones, while parents are trying not to overthink the future. I remember it well… It seems like it was just the other day when my husband and I were picking out bumper pads for a crib. We were filled with…


    From bumper pads to graduation gown

  • A time to plant, a time to uproot

    BY DAWN REED Pansies are my favorite flowers in the spring. My great-grandmother loved them, too. The bright colors with the black centers are the ones I love best. Because my beloved knows that, each spring, he makes sure I have lots of them to plant in pots on the front and back porches. This…


    A time to plant, a time to uproot

  • Time for tea

    BY DAWN REED If you know me well at all, you’ve probably noticed that I don’t wear dresses. I’m a jeans girl and don’t like to dress up at all. But I was invited to do a devotion at a tea party at a church in Annville. They were having their first one since COVID.…


    Time for tea

  • Tense times in Babylon

    BY DAWN REED When we began studying Daniel last week in youth Sunday School, I thought, “This will be great for teenagers.” To be truthful, it’s good for kids who are six, 16 and 60-plus. There are many truths to unpack from this familiar book of the Bible, no matter your age. Countless young men…


    Tense times in Babylon

  • Things that return

    BY DAWN REED My beloved texted me while I was at work that he loved me and I had a surprise waiting at home. I smiled as I made the drive to Big Branch wondering what it would be. When I walked in the door, he called out, “Close your eyes!” Taking my hand, he…


    Things that return

  • Turkey hunting and everyday life

    BY DAWN REED My beloved has been planning on going turkey hunting for months. Being totally ignorant about the whole thing, I hadn’t realized all that went into it. There’s lots of stuff to do to get ready. There are many things to acquire before setting out: camo pants, camo shirt, camo belt, camo hat,…


    Turkey hunting and everyday life

  • Telling the Story: Praise the Lord and hip, hip, hooray

    BY DAWN REED  Luke 13:10-13 tells a beautiful story of what Jesus can do in someone’s life: “On a Sabbath when Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, a woman was there who had been crippled for 18 years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her,…


    Telling the Story: Praise the Lord and hip, hip, hooray

  • Telling the Story: Truly celebrating Easter

    BY DAWN REED Her words convicted me to the bone marrow. My eyes filled with tears and I covered my mouth not to sob out loud. She hadn’t intended to make me cry. Jen is one of everybody’s favorite people. She is the church aunt or grandma all of us need. She gives hugs and…


    Telling the Story: Truly celebrating Easter

  • Telling the Story: Fear of the dentist

    BY DAWN REED Fear is a Goliath we all face daily. Life is full of hard things. Just today, you will face uncertain, unknown situations. You have the choice of trusting God in scary circumstances. Being afraid is OK. A while back I heard that when you are scared and your heart is racing, you…


    Telling the Story: Fear of the dentist