Category: Having a Ball

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  • Having a Ball: Golden Graham and this and that from the EKEBC Tourney

    BY JOSHUA BALL Close games write themselves. Paintsville’s thrilling 37-34 win over Eden had many storylines. First, both teams had two losses. Second, Eden was an obvious underdog, having lost to Paintsville, 43-17, earlier in the season. For a half, it looked like the Wildcats were gonna flip the script. That’s when Graham Cox showed…


    Having a Ball: Golden Graham and this and that from the EKEBC Tourney

  • Having a ball

    BY JOSHUA BALL FOR THE MOUNTAIN CITIZEN BJ Endicott’s shirt says “Family” on the front with the “m” symbolic of a Wildcat claw. It’s more than just a word for Eden Elementary’s girls’ basketball coach. It’s everything, and it shows. Following Saturday’s 28-12 win over Inez to claim the Eastern Kentucky Elementary Basketball Conference A-Team…


    Having a ball