Who is the judge or decisionmaker on political correctness?
BY KYLE LOVERN Over the past few years, the term political correctness has become the norm in our society. I can definitely understand that some words or terms can be hurtful toward a certain race or disabled person. We know the “N” word should never be used, and terms like “retard” are very hateful and…
A look back at 2022
The year 2022 was one of triumph, tragedy and change. Before we close the book, let’s take a look back. Perhaps the most popular story of the year was when Louisa construction worker Noah Thompson captured the heart of America and was voted the 2022 “American Idol” winner. In February, Thompson’s best friend Arthur forced him…
2023: Love yourself so you can love others
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE You can lose about 1 pound a week if you try. If you don’t try you won’t lose any. If you need to save some money then you need to pay yourself first. If you have a paycheck coming in, then set a goal of $500 a month if possible. Whatever…
It is always good to be prepared
BY KYLE LOVERN It’s hard to believe that we are entering the year 2023. It seems just like a couple of years ago that we were leaving 1999 and going into the year 2000. How many of you remember the Y2K scare? Y2K referred to potential computer errors related to the formatting and storage of…
Keep that Christmas spirit
BY NINA MCCOY I would like to address the county about a very important and tough subject, but first I feel a need to express my deep appreciation for the people who worked so hard for the past few weeks (and months) to make our community shine. The recent Christmas celebrations in Warfield and Inez…
Light and strength for Christmas
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE When I was a child at Tomahawk Elementary School in Martin County, there were many kids who got little to nothing for Christmas. I had classmates who I would never ask if they got anything for Christmas because I already knew the answer. Some of these kids were just glad to…
Remembering small-town Christmas of our youth
BY KYLE LOVERN Every year, as we get closer to Christmas, I start getting sentimental. I always reminisce about the holidays of the past. I recall how much fun it was to go to “town” at Christmastime. For us, going to Williamson was going to town. It was a big deal, much like a trip…
We must invest in civics to inform and reengage an increasingly isolated America
BY MICHAEL G. ADAMS KENTUCKY SECRETARY OF STATE For many Americans, the first image that comes to mind when they hear the term “civics” is not the White House or a voting booth, but rather an animated piece of paper singing on the steps of the Capitol Building. This initial introduction to civic learning –…
Celine Dion, Kirstie Alley, Christmas, good news and bad
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Award winning actress Kirstie Alley was diagnosed with cancer shortly before her untimely death at the young age of 71. Grammy award-winning Celine Dion has recently been diagnosed with a neurological disease called Stiff Person Syndrome. The disease attacks about one in a million and is a very debilitating disease. She…