Police officers and citizens must have mutual respect
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE American citizens need police officers. Our state police, county sheriff’s department and city police all deserve our help, respect and decent pay. None of us like being recipients of speeding or other motor vehicle violations. However, often a warning or a ticket may be what it takes to get our attention…
Chief deputy shows there are good police officers
Editor: On Thursday, Feb. 9, our brother, Timothy Paul Setser, gained his heavenly wings. Our mom Lola Hall had been staying up with him most of the time before he passed, along with other family members. On her way home from Paintsville, she had run off the road a few times near Davella. An officer pulled her…
Volunteer firefighters should be praised
BY KYLE LOVERN Volunteer firefighters are important to small towns and rural communities throughout the United States. These brave men and women need our praise and respect. They are the backbone of the firefighting industry. Statistics from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) state that approximately 70% of firefighters in the United States serve in…
Lies, Damned Lies and George Santos
BY THOMAS L. KNAPP “Of course,” the late P.J. O’Rourke wrote in Parliament of Whores, by way of explaining why government is boring, “politicians don’t tell the truth. … But neither do politicians tell huge, entertaining whoppers: ‘Why, send yours truly to Capitol Hill, and I’ll ship the swag home in boxcar lots. … There’ll…
The house that built me; fond memories of the past
BY KYLE LOVERN Every once in a while, a song comes along that touches you inside. A few years ago one of my favorite country music stars, Miranda Lambert, had a huge hit with “The House That Built Me.” The video shows her visiting the house where she grew up. I can definitely relate to…
Risk is lower, but it’s NOT time to resume pre-pandemic life, New York doctors write in one of the nation’s top medical journals
An editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine by Dr. Wafaa M. El-Sadr, Columbia University; Dr. Ashwin Vasan, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; and Ayman El-Mohandes, City University of New York We’ve come a long way. From the early, terrifying days of a rapidly spreading deadly infection to the current…
Tired of hearing about China? Stop the cash flow
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Do you get tired of hearing about China? Now we have floating surveillance balloons over our country. We are yet to know for sure what this is about, but time will tell. China is probably scouting out the next land or business purchase. They may have come up with an easy…