Precaution cannot be clearer
To the Editor: As firefighters work to contain an escalating wildfire in Natural Bridge State Park, we should remember that it’s not just human lives and homes that are threatened. Deer, bears, birds, fish, reptiles and other animals are killed or displaced by wildfires, too. The impacts are also immediate, debilitating and often life-threatening: Thick…
When someone knocks on your door
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Knocking on doors is as American as apple pie. Politicians, salespersons, clergy, Girl Scouts, federal census workers, and the list goes on of persons and professions who have depended on knocking on doors. When I was a child, I sold Grit newspapers. I needed to knock on a lot of doors…
Spare women from competing against transgender athletes
BY KYLE LOVERN The House of Representatives passed legislation Thursday to prevent biological males from competing as transgender athletes in girls’ and women’s sports at schools nationwide. I applaud this bill. However, President Joe Biden said he would veto the bill. I am sorry, but those born male should not be allowed to compete against…
Utility disconnections are dangerous, ineffective and unnecessary
BY CHRIS WOOLERY The number of Kentuckians who had their power disconnected increased by 228% last year as compared to a 29% increase nationwide, according to a new study by the Energy and Policy Institute and Center for Biological Diversity. Kentucky’s average electric bills also increased by 17%. Huge increases in disconnections and bills make…
Will your Walmart close?
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. This principle applies to us all, even Walmart. Walmart has been the largest company in the world by revenue since 2014, but they are closing 20 stores this year. Is your town on this list? Most likely, you hope…
Gun control is not the answer to mass shootings
BY KYLE LOVERN School shootings and workplace violence are terrible, but taking guns away from everyone is not the answer. I have my concealed permit. I’ve had it for a few years now. West Virginia has a reciprocal agreement with several other states, including Kentucky, where if you have a permit, it will be honored…
‘Free the Weed’ for more than medical and recreational use
BY THOMAS L. KNAPP “Now That Weed is Mostly Legal,” reads the headline to a piece by Aryn Baker at Time, “Hemp Should Be Booming. But It’s Not.” Why? Contra Baker’s claim that hemp is “a close cousin of marijuana” and not as useful as advertised, it IS marijuana – the same plant – and…