Corporate socialism
Editor: Hal Rogers recently awarded the Martin County Fiscal Court $3.1 million to “improve the sewer system.” You’d think free money would be heralded with a public announcement and maybe a parade. Instead, it was quietly awarded by the Big Sandy Area Development District (ADD) at a special meeting called Friday (March 31) afternoon meeting. …
Mother’s Day and your time
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE You may have lost your mother early in life or never really knew your mother. My two sons were only 17 and 20 when their mother passed at the age of 49 from multiple sclerosis. Mother’s Day is a tough day for them and many others around the world. This day…
Is artificial intelligence getting too powerful?
BY KYLE LOVERN Artificial intelligence, or AI, has some people concerned, including me. I am old school. However, I do love the internet and computers and how they have made some things better. But it is weird when you surf the web for an item – for example, tennis shoes – then you start getting…
Terrible ideas + evil actions /= ‘mental illness’
BY THOMAS KNAPP “One problem I have with the whole ‘mental illness’ frame for talking about mass shooters,” Paul Campos writes at Lawyers, Guns & Money, “is that the ‘mental illness’ often appears to be garden variety authoritarian ethno-nationalist misogyny, with the misogyny being the really critical ideological lynchpin [sic].” Campos is riffing on reports…
When one person rises out of addiction, we all rise
Treatment courts save lives and strengthen communities. Rather than continuing to allow individuals with histories of addiction and crime to cycle through the justice system, treatment courts keep them engaged in treatment long enough to be successful. The approach is no longer an experiment. More than 4,000 treatment courts nationwide will celebrate National Treatment Court…
Expensive and least expensive colleges
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Many parents and high school seniors are considering college options after high school. It’s a major life decision. Young adults and parents can become financially crippled if careful consideration is not given. Here are some of the most expensive colleges in America, followed by a list of some of the cheapest…
Appalachian pawpaw fruit making a comeback
BY KYLE LOVERN Growing up, my late father Sam Lovern talked about the pawpaw fruit, nicknamed the Appalachian banana. It was a fruit tree that grew wild in southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky mountains. He talked about how good it was and how he, his brother and friends ate them when roaming the hills…
2024: We can do better … or can we?
BY THOMAS L. KNAPP On April 25, US President Joe Biden announced his intention to seek reelection in 2024. “The question we’re facing,” Biden says in his announcement video, “is whether, in the years ahead, we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer.” “I know what I want the answer to be,”…