The most significant part of your Christmas story
We often reflect on past Christmases. We look back to the past because we have experienced the past. We haven’t experienced the future. We have hopes and dreams for the future, but we don’t know what the future will bring. Each day we create new memories. What you will remember next Christmas is happening now.…
An interview with ChatGPT: How AI can benefit small towns
BY BUGS DIXON MOUNTAIN CITIZEN In an increasingly digital world, small towns like those in Eastern Kentucky are finding innovative ways to stay connected and solve problems. One such advancement is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, like ChatGPT, into various aspects of community life. I interviewed ChatGPT to see what it thought about…
Judge Lafferty: Unity defines community
In a ceremony at the All-Sports Hall of Fame induction, Martin County Judge/Executive Lon Lafferty, a longtime Inez doctor, summed up the spirit of Martin County in his welcoming remarks. The judge’s speech celebrated the achievements of sports luminaries and portrayed an image of a community united by shared values and strengths in the face of adversity.…
Dealing with the challenges of Christmas
Christmas is a joyful season but always has some challenges. The place of Christmas is often a question. Mary and Joseph ended up in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. They had gone there to pay taxes. Paying taxes is never fun, but we have to do it. The place they ended up when Jesus was…
Remembering small-town Christmas of our youth
Every year, as we get closer to Christmas, I start getting sentimental. I always reminisce about the holidays of the past – especially in the days right after Thanksgiving. It has been great to see so many of the small towns in our region, like Inez, Warfield, Kermit, Williamson, Delbarton and others, putting together Christmas…
Kentucky League of Cities ‘treasure trove of information and resources’
Dear Editor, A recent out-of-state letter addressed to the Martin County judge/executive and magistrates referenced the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC). The author made several inaccurate comments and statements about what the League does and how we help local governments. While KLC has no link to Martin County and is not involved in county government,…
Be a winner and give thanks
Here are some tips for Thanksgiving. Be thankful. Thanksgiving season is a good time to say thanks, but we need to make it a lifestyle. An attitude of thanksgiving is a good way to live. When you are daily thankful for your food, shelter and the simplest things, it elevates your sense of well-being. We…
‘Breaker, breaker…’ – the CB radio craze
Last week I wrote about fads and crazes and mentioned a few. One that was really big and needed its own column was the CB (citizens band) radio fad of the mid-1970s and early 1980s. Many cars and trucks put in CB radios. You could see the ones because of the antennas sticking up in…
A Thanksgiving tribute to the heart and soul of Christmas in the Mountains
As Thanksgiving casts its glow upon us, it is a fitting time to express our gratitude to those who bring the Christmas in the Mountains festival to life in Inez. This cherished annual event is more than just a celebration of the holiday season; it is community, dedication and the spirit of love. This year,…