Kyle’s Korner
The evolution of sneakers and tennis shoes BY KYLE LOVERN It amazes me how tennis shoes and basketball shoes have evolved through the years. Of course I am showing my age again when writing about this subject. Growing up, most of us “baby boomers” were lucky to get a pair of sneakers or tennis shoes.…
Uncommon Sense: Your new normal and resetting your life
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE People who have lost their houses and cars and everything they’ve worked for all their lives may feel like giving up. Some do. After 30 or 40 years they don’t feel like they have it within them to rebuild and try again. Some have no choice but to live the life…
Advocates call for safe drug-use sites, less strict criminal laws, funding from national opioid settlement
BY AMANDA HALLAND KUNGU NJUGUNA The rural-urban divide is an issue that has a considerable impact on the politics and policies of Kentucky. Though there may be differences in communities across the commonwealth, we still have numerous similarities that unite us. We share many of the same joys and hopes for our communities, and unfortunately,…
‘Hillbillies we are’
BY RACHEL DOVE We can learn a lot from a child. If we stop and look at the world without clouding our vision with our own opinions and beliefs, we might see goodness as a child who has never hardened their heart or corrupted their mind. My grandson just turned 12, and he amazes me…
Always leave them with hope
Many years ago, I was in the audience when the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the legendary civil rights activist and election mobilizer, gave a speech. He often used the catchphrase, “Keep hope alive!” when he spoke, and he did so that time. The audience picked it up as a chant. “Keep hope alive!” they called. “Keep…
Uncommon Sense: Airline travel woes, flying is frustrating
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Airline travelers have experienced frustration since the 2021 holidays, as covered by national news. Travel delays and even trip cancellations have been aggravating experiences for travelers. If you only have a weekend and your trip includes a flight Friday and a return flight Sunday, you are chancing a lost weekend. Being…
Kyle’s Korner: Telephoning someone in the past was a bit different
BY KYLE LOVERN FOR THE CITIZEN Things sure have changed when it comes to calling someone on the telephone. Nowadays it is nothing to see a youngster with a cellphone in hand. When we baby boomers were growing up, we were lucky to have a landline telephone in our homes. We were fortunate enough to…
Kentuckians seem convinced that COVID is over, but they’re wrong
BY KEVIN KAVANAGH This month my family had encounters with two Lexington doctor offices. In one the staff rolled her eyes when asked about masks, parroting the misinformation that viruses are too small to be filtered, ignoring the fact that what is floating in the air are larger viral-droplet aerosols which N95 masks efficiently capture.…
Uncommon Sense: Mental illness erupts into pure hell in Allen, Kentucky
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Allen, Kentucky, is a place that holds fond memories for me. When I was only 16 years old, Allen Baptist Church invited me to speak for a weekend youth event. I had the opportunity to meet and work with over a hundred people from the Allen community. Lasting friendships were made…
Uncommon Sense: Happy Fourth of July
We can figure it out BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE America has always been a land of hard work and struggles but always with the hope and dream of success and prosperity. On the Fourth of July we celebrate our Declaration of Independence, ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The Second Continental…