A potpourri of thoughts
It is simply disgusting seeing how much litter lines our roadways and ditches. It is sickening to see this month after month. There are people in this area that have no pride. My wife and I recently went out of town on vacation and the thing I noticed a lot was the lack of litter…
How would you feel if someone burned your car?
My wife’s grandfather, Lyle Harlow, was a prisoner of war in World War II and survived the Bataan Death March. He had an attitude about the Japanese soldiers and people. My father-in-law also fought in WW II and was hurt in the Battle of the Bulge. He had negative comments to make about the Japanese.…
Mud baths, sea lions, Old Faithful, Golden Gate Bridge
Three days in San Francisco BY VICKI LOVERN The farthest I’ve ever traveled was to San Francisco in 2007. My daughter, Tina, “had” to attend a physician assistant conference in Napa Valley and asked me to go with her. “You always said you wanted to see California,” she told me when at first I seemed…
Spring break: Get your point across
Bad things can happen to anyone at any place and at any time. You don’t have to be in a distant country or on an island. It can happen anywhere in America and in any neighborhood. Predators and bad people exist and we are never exactly sure just how close they may be. This is…
Celebrating agriculture in the classroom
BY DR. ROBBIE FLETCHER KENTUCKY COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Getting the chance to speak with students involved in agriculture programs earlier this year, I saw just how eager students can be for education when it involves vibrant learning experiences that are relevant to the community and the world around them. One of the key pillars of…
Kentucky’s children pay for federal cuts
BY DR. RHONDA CALDWELL CEO, KY ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS From the vast western plains to the rolling hills of eastern Kentucky, we are united by our core values: a strong work ethic, a commitment to our neighbors, and the resilience to build a brighter future for the next generation. However, we face a shared…
Is Ukraine deal really a deal?
America has given Ukraine a lot of money. Does anyone really know? President Trump recently said $350 billion while other sources say we have spent less than $200 billion. A billion dollars is a billion dollars. Hundreds of billions of dollars mean Americans across our country are being taxed hard-earned dollars to send to another…
Living through a disaster can be trying times
Living through the devastation of a flood like the Tug Valley went through a couple of weeks ago is very tough, both mentally and physically. Those affected have the psychological stress to go through when trying to evaluate the destruction. They have to figure out where to start. Cleaning up the mud and muck is…
Tug Valley residents will rebound from recent flooding
There is no doubt the communities that make up the Tug Valley area in Mingo, Pike and Martin counties have had their share of disasters when it comes to flooding throughout the years. Most everyone with a few years on them remembers the historic 1977 flood, the worst flood on record, that literally changed the…
Does the grocery store scare you? Can Washington care?
Does the grocery store scare you? What about buying eggs? Do you dread driving to Walmart? Do you remember a day when it was fun? I remember the old days of going to my Grandfather Hinkle’s grocery store in old Stidham, Kentucky. Today that would be South Milo Road in Tomahawk, Kentucky. I could buy…