Dear Editor: Smith & Wesson made all people equal. Now our government is attempting to set us peasants back into caveman times. Just think of all the men and women who gave their very lives for our hard-earned freedoms. Crime is all around us daily. Drugs are all around us daily. Here’s a thought, shut…
Corporate socialism
Editor: Hal Rogers recently awarded the Martin County Fiscal Court $3.1 million to “improve the sewer system.” You’d think free money would be heralded with a public announcement and maybe a parade. Instead, it was quietly awarded by the Big Sandy Area Development District (ADD) at a special meeting called Friday (March 31) afternoon meeting. …
Precaution cannot be clearer
To the Editor: As firefighters work to contain an escalating wildfire in Natural Bridge State Park, we should remember that it’s not just human lives and homes that are threatened. Deer, bears, birds, fish, reptiles and other animals are killed or displaced by wildfires, too. The impacts are also immediate, debilitating and often life-threatening: Thick…
Help students buy books at WES book fair
Editor: Warfield Elementary Spring Book Fair is coming March 13-17, and we invite you to become a sponsor. What makes Book Fair one of the best days for kids? For starters, it offers the rare (and for the younger kids, the very first) chance to shop for themselves, discover a new genre or pick up…
Chief deputy shows there are good police officers
Editor: On Thursday, Feb. 9, our brother, Timothy Paul Setser, gained his heavenly wings. Our mom Lola Hall had been staying up with him most of the time before he passed, along with other family members. On her way home from Paintsville, she had run off the road a few times near Davella. An officer pulled her…
#leavingtwitter is tiresome performance art
BY THOMAS L. KNAPP Have you ever encountered a klansman at the grocery store? I have. I instantly recognized him as a member of the Ku Klux Klan because I’d seen him speak (sans hood) at a Klan rally (I was one of the protesters, not one of the klansmen) and on local TV repping…
Cryptocurrency: Don’t blame the medium for the scam
BY THOMAS L. KNAPP As cryptocurrency exchange FTX falls into bankruptcy and its principals seem likely to face various criminal charges over the activities leading to that bankruptcy, it’s time for another round of crowing from opponents (and would-be regulators) of cryptocurrency. Which means it’s time for another round of pointing out where those opponents…
Our roads are in bad shape
Dear Editor: Our roads are in bad shape. We need the weeds cut beside the roads and our roads fixed. The road before you get to Pilgrim Post Office is broken off. The ditches need to be cleaned out, garbage picked up, and trees cut under the electric lines. The bridge below Peter Cave Road…
Uncommon Sense: Donald Trump: Rejection is painful and can create lifelong embarrassment
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Rejection can be difficult to handle. Perhaps an employer once said, “You no longer have a job here.” To be dismissed from your job would be painful, especially if you loved your job and wanted to stay. Imagine a spouse or a boyfriend/girlfriend saying, “I don’t want to be with you…
Prepare for departure
BY RACHEL DOVE Over the past few months, I have lost friends and extended family members to death, all under the age of 60. Although we know death is no respecter of person and the young can pass as quickly as the elderly, it’s still our nature to not expect it. The same can be…