Resurgence of Warfield Park is a testament
The decision of Martin County officials to revitalize Warfield Park was welcome news last week. Martin County Judge/Executive Lon Lafferty and District 5 Magistrate Ronald Workman’s announcement about sweeping renovations reminds us of the park’s importance in the lives of Martin County’s residents. Warfield Park, once the “jewel of Eastern Kentucky,” as the judge called…
The perspective of getting older
BY KYLE LOVERN As we get older it seems like we look at things a bit differently. My dad was older when he and my mother brought me into this world. I remember him telling me when I was a young teenager that if he had one wish it would be for good health. Of…
Biden, Trump and world issues: Fervor or fever?
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE Every day in America we hear the names of Biden and Trump mentioned on various news television or radio stations. We daily hear about the struggles of Ukraine and Russia. Border security, illegal immigrants, inner city issues and China are almost daily themes. How could we ever get through a day…
Appalachian linguistics and terms some may not understand
BY KYLE LOVERN In Appalachia we have a certain language – or linguistics and a way we say certain words that those city slickers may not completely understand. It’s a long tradition passed down through the years. I’m afraid we’re starting to lose these quaint terms or phrases with our younger generation. But we need…
Legislative Update: Aviation in the Commonwealth
BY REPRESENTATIVE BOBBY MCCOOL As August hits its midpoint and we are reminded that fall is right around the corner, we gear up to celebrate one of the more lesser-known holidays: National Aviation Day. Established in 1939, National Aviation Day falls on Aug. 19 of each year, the birthday of Orville Wright, who along with…
Preparing for ‘great revival in eastern Kentucky’
BY LINDA OTTERBACK KBC MSC. MISSIONARY In 2000, my late husband, Larry, and I began a ministry leading us into the mountains of eastern Kentucky. EKY SONrise has led us on a journey of meeting thousands of people across our state and helping in eastern Kentucky by holding retreats, prayer meetings, providing for the missionaries…
Life is always changing
BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE No doubt life is always changing. If you don’t like the weather it will change, eventually. It’s been hot most all over, but cooler weather will come. In most of the country, cooler weather will be welcomed sooner rather than later. An Arizona friend told me last week, “One hundred degrees…
‘The Other Side of Grief’
Dear Editor: I dedicate this to my granddaughter, Lillie Marie Kirk, from Nana Lynn. Learn the alchemy, true human beings know The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given; the door will open. Welcome difficulty or failure, it builds character as a familiar comrade. Joke with torment however presented. What does it help to…
Hometown is the best
Editor: We would like to thank our amazing community for the continued support of our Martin County High School Senior Walk and Martin County High School Project Graduation! Without our wonderful community, we would not be able to have these events for our high school seniors. The definition of hometown is a place where one…