Kyle’s Korner: Telephoning someone in the past was a bit different
BY KYLE LOVERN FOR THE CITIZEN Things sure have changed when it comes to calling someone on the telephone. Nowadays it is nothing to see a youngster with a cellphone in hand. When we baby boomers were growing up, we were lucky to have a landline telephone in our homes. We were fortunate enough to…
Kyle’s Korner: Fond memories of summertime in the 60s and 70s
BY KYLE LOVERN Summertime was special back in the 1960s and early 70s. Summer meant school was out, which was an exciting time for most of us. It meant getting to sleep a little later and not having to wake to rush to prepare for school. We could not list all of the technology the…
Kyle’s Korner: Appalachian slang is something we can relate to
BY KYLE LOVERN Growing up in this region, I’m sure many of you have heard certain sayings or Appalachian slang handed down by your parents and grandparents throughout the years. My dad had a lot of these and I can recall many he used all the time. One of my favorites was, “He is more…
Kyle’s Korner: Missing the old general stores and simpler times
BY KYLE LOVERN The idea of the super department stores where you can do a lot of things in one place is not such a new marketing strategy. Many of us can remember the old general stores that were located in most communities. Sure you can go into certain large “box” stores now and get…
Kyle’s Corner: Funny country song titles that will make you smile
BY KYLE LOVERN Country music has become very popular over the last few years and has crossed genres. There are many great country songs, but there are also those with funny titles and lyrics that can make you chuckle. Here are a few of those that might bring a smile to your day. Perhaps my…
Kyle’s Korner: Appalachian superstitions continue through the years
KYLE LOVERN Growing up in Appalachia, I’m sure many of you have heard of certain superstitions from your parents, grandparents or other elderly folks you are acquainted with. I have always found these tales interesting and somewhat amusing, even though I have grown to believe many of them. A lot of the superstitions I heard…
Kyle’s Korner: Springtime Memories
Growing up in the Tug Valley I love this time of year as springtime valiantly tries to squeeze through the many “winters” we deal with. Hearing all the frogs croaking brings back many fond memories. Seeing the pink dogwood blooms, the red tulips burst out with their bright colors, and the yellow daffodils never fail…