Category: Mountain Living

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  • Kevin Staten Obituary

    Kevin Staten 1964—2022 Kevin Staten, age 57, of Lovely, passed away March 30, 2022, at his home. Born Nov. 28, 1964, in Paintsville, he was the son of the late Paul Dean Staten and Roubena Staten. He was the grandson of the late E.E. “Boy” and Bertha Hale and Ben and Flossie Staten. He is…


    Kevin Staten Obituary

  • Lewis Whitt Obituary

    Lewis Whitt 1952—2022 Lewis Whitt, age 70, of Louisa, passed away March 30, 2022, at his residence. Born March 30, 1952, in Martin County, he was the late Rob Whitt and Artie Mae Pack Whitt. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by three brothers, Homer Whitt, Charles Burke and Wallace Whitt,…


    Lewis Whitt Obituary

  • Patricia Lynn Fitzpatrick Obituary

    Patricia Lynn Fitzpatrick 1948—2022 Patricia Lynn Fitzpatrick, 73, of Inez, passed away Saturday, April 2, 2022, at her home surrounded by her loved ones. Born April 4, 1948, in Cooperton, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late William J. and Carrie Fannin Goble. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by…


    Patricia Lynn Fitzpatrick Obituary

  • What’s going on at the library?

    A lot is going on at the Martin County Public Libraries this week. Spring Break Matinees continue through April 7 at the Collier Center. Showtime is 1 p.m. daily. Each student will receive a small popcorn, a drink and a book.Come hang out at the Collier Center and enjoy four Free Mystery Movies Friday night.…


    What’s going on at the library?

  • Wendell Douglas Whitt Obituary

    Wendell Douglas Whitt 1963—2022 Wendell Douglas Whitt, 58, of Louisa, passed away Monday, April 4, 2022, at King’s Daughters Medical Center in Ashland. Born May 28, 1963, in Martin County, he was the son of the late Robert Whitt and Artie Pack Whitt. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by four…


    Wendell Douglas Whitt Obituary

  • District Spelling Bee winners

    INEZ — The Martin County School District announced the 2022 District Spelling Bee winners. The event was held March 30 at Martin County High School, where Schools Superintendent Larry James presented trophies to the winners. The 2022 winner was Maddy Goble, a fifth grader from Inez Elementary School. The second-place finisher was Jonah Alley, a…


    District Spelling Bee winners

  • FCCLA attends conference

    FCS/FCCLA advisor Connie Harris and her students in Louisville. Martin County High School Family and Consumer Sciences/Family, Community and Career Leaders of America adviser Connie Harless received a Decade of Service Award for 20 years of service last week during the 77th Annual FCCLA Leadership Conference in Louisville. Harless’ FCCLA students Megan Mollette and Jayde…


    FCCLA attends conference

  • Apply for National Health Service Corps scholarship

    The National Health Service Corps is now accepting applications for its Scholarship Program. The competitive federal program provides scholarships to students pursuing primary care health professions training to become physicians, dentists, nurse midwives, physician assistants or nurse practitioners. In exchange, program participants commit to providing primary care health services in an underserved community, following graduation,…


    Apply for National Health Service Corps scholarship

  • Inbound for Landing: Uncle Charlie, Navy Double Ace

    BY GARY WAYNE COX Aircraft: Big Sandy Unicom…Centurion…3…7…3…November…6 miles to the northwest…inbound for landing…is the cafe’ open… Unicom: Winds calm…no other traffic…and yes, the Cloud 9 is open… I make my living selling aviation fuel and hangar space. A busy day for me usually means a good day for my business. I enjoy having those…


    Inbound for Landing: Uncle Charlie, Navy Double Ace