Category: Telling the Story…

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  • Telling the Story: I wouldn’t drink it if I could

    My beloved and I recently had the opportunity to explore St. Augustine for a few hours, knowing it was the place Ponce de Leon reportedly discovered the Fountain of Youth. We found it. The park, that is, and did the thing you do: took a selfie at the entrance. I texted friends that I had…


    Telling the Story: I wouldn’t drink it if I could

  • Telling the Story: Joseph’s second robe

    A verse in Genesis 41 gave me chills last week when I read it. It just hit different. In our youth Sunday School class, we have been unpacking, digging in, breaking down, or whatever you want to call it, the story of Joseph. We’ve studied it so much that the guys and girls could take…


    Telling the Story: Joseph’s second robe

  • Telling the Story: Staying the course

    The prophet Elijah knew plenty about the ups and downs of following God. We can draw strength and encouragement from his true story. We can be reminded that through good times and bad, God is still with us and will help us in staying the course. Let’s be honest. When things are difficult, our enemy,…


    Telling the Story: Staying the course

  • Telling the Story: Sharing one verse

    Do you have a favorite Bible verse? One that has been with you in the valley and carried you to the other side? Your go-to in times of crisis? The first Bible verse I ever remember remembering is James 4:8. When I was a kid—probably in Vacation Bible School—a teacher passed around a paper with…


    Telling the Story: Sharing one verse

  • Telling the Story: A trip to the Bahamas

    Beginning Jan. 1, I pray about opportunities to serve the Lord during the year-near or far. I had one week open in March. There was a possibility with a dental team going to Alaska. That door closed. I continued to pray. If nothing happened, I would just stay home and spring clean. Some guys in…


    Telling the Story: A trip to the Bahamas

  • Telling the Story: The darkest time

    It was my turn to teach at the jail on Sunday. I shared one of my favorite Resurrection stories… Mary Magdalene went to the tomb while it was still dark. “Dark” was an understatement. Jesus had released her from seven demons (Mark 16:9), and this Mary had begun a new life with Him. Where He…


    Telling the Story: The darkest time

  • Telling the Story: When we are scared

    The day began with her puking in the bushes. Macie, who is nine, had a dental appointment to have a filling. She dreaded it like crazy and hadn’t slept the night before. When she and her mom got to the office, she didn’t even want to come in. Her mom called to tell us they…


    Telling the Story: When we are scared

  • Telling the Story: Getting the words right

    Growing up in church during the 1970s, we didn’t listen to many popular tunes. Music back then was thought to lead to dancing and all other debauchery. (In truth, my dance moves weren’t that great.) But I knew all the church songs and could even play #203 and #204 in the hymnal on the piano.…


    Telling the Story: Getting the words right

  • Telling the Story: The rescue

    The pictures were terrifying. A few weeks ago, half of a tractor-trailer dangled over the side of the Clark Memorial Bridge, which connects Louisville to southern Indiana. Far below was the Ohio River. Reporters flocked and spectators stared in horror as emergency workers rushed to the scene. The driver—a woman—was still strapped in the front…


    Telling the Story: The rescue

  • Telling the Story: Sending us out

    We were on our knees in the aisle and surrounded. I could hear some whisper “Jesus” and “Yes” as they prayed. These were our people, our church family, and they were sending us out. What a wonderful thing to be supported by our brothers and sisters in Christ. Tears flowed down my face. In Acts…


    Telling the Story: Sending us out