Category: Telling the Story…

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  • Telling the Story: Can’t be trusted

    We can’t trust Dixie out of our sight. (Dixie is the eight-month-old puppy my beloved rescued a month ago.) The first week she was with us, Dixie got out of her crate twice while we were gone and set off the security alarm. In call No. 1, the dispatcher informed my beloved that an officer…


    Telling the Story: Can’t be trusted

  • Telling the Story: The Passover

    The words lamb, hyssop, blood, and outstretched arm have been spinning through my mind. Digging into the first Passover, puzzle pieces are falling into place as the people of Israel prepare to be freed from their slavery. God perfectly stitches the Scriptures of the Old Testament together with the New Testament into a beautiful tapestry.…


    Telling the Story: The Passover

  • Telling the Story: ‘Pharaoh, Pharaoh’

    “Pharaoh, Pharaoh, oh baby let my people go. Hunh!” If you sang that instead of just reading the words, you’ve been in church for a minute. It’s a fun song to sing about an intense true story written in the book of Exodus when God showed His power and might to Pharaoh and all of…


    Telling the Story: ‘Pharaoh, Pharaoh’

  • Telling the Story: Rescued

    It’s the sweetest story – if you’re an animal lover. My beloved rescued a dog three weeks ago. In Magoffin County, he saw a lady on the side of the road trying to wrangle a dog. She held a can of dog food in one hand and looked like she needed help. He pulled over,…


    Telling the Story: Rescued

  • Telling the Story: A word aptly spoken

    A word spoken at the right time is like gold apples in silver settings. (Proverbs 25:11) Sarah York is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She has a sweet spirit that oozes out of her. Actually, all of the Fruit of the Spirit ooze out of her. Sarah loves Jesus and it…


    Telling the Story: A word aptly spoken

  • Telling the Story: Calm the chaos

    Never before has life been more chaotic. More stressful. More intense. More expensive. We need some calm in the chaos. Of course, the Bible speaks to that. In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus told the disciples, “Let’s go to the other side of the lake.” They did. A storm came. They were terrified. Just because the disciples…


    Telling the Story: Calm the chaos

  • Telling the Story: Baptisms at the jail

    The portable baptismal pool had been brought out of storage, filled with water, and placed in the sun. We were on the ballcourt at the jail, an enclosed space with wire overhead. This was our sanctuary for the afternoon. Dark clouds threatened to interrupt. Five female inmates had asked to be baptized. Two of them…


    Telling the Story: Baptisms at the jail

  • Telling the Story: Iron sharpening iron

    “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) Dr. Gerry Samson was in our dental office last week. That might not seem like a big deal to you, but it certainly was to us. Dr. Samson is a rock star in the orthodontic community. An orthodontist for over 40 years in Georgia,…


    Telling the Story: Iron sharpening iron

  • Telling the Story: Listening to Siri

    My family gets a little nervous when I go out of town by myself. When I’m riding in the passenger seat, I never pay attention to roads, route numbers or traffic. To keep my mind off the highway (and speedometer), I busy myself with reading, writing, crocheting, cutting paper things out, and other stuff. Arriving…


    Telling the Story: Listening to Siri

  • Telling the Story: Lessons from the Olympics

    Watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics reminded me that we live in a sinful and dying world. Shocked, even horrified at some of the things displayed, I realized again that lost people act like lost people. While I have been deeply burdened about the lostness of America and her disregard for God, I had…


    Telling the Story: Lessons from the Olympics