Category: Telling the Story…

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  • Crying out to the God of Heaven

    BY DAWN REED Tuesday morning brought scary headlines about Damar Hamlin, a 24-year-old football player for the Buffalo Bills. During the much-anticipated faceoff between the Bills and the Cincinnati Bengals Monday night, in a regular play, after a regular tackle, Damar stood, staggered, then fell to the ground. The unthinkable had happened: he suffered a…


    Crying out to the God of Heaven

  • The gift of baby Jesus

    BY DAWN REED The Christmas play was ready to begin. Angels and shepherds milled about. Evie, 3-years-old and dressed in white with gold trim, stood at the manger. She tapped the wood as she stared longingly at baby Jesus. We watched her as she watched the baby, wondering if she would grab him and run.…


    The gift of baby Jesus

  • Good news for the shepherds

    BY DAWN REED “And there were shepherds…” (Luke 2:8-20). How fitting.  Moses had been one for many years and then became a shepherd to the people of Israel in the desert.  David had been a shepherd as a boy. He penned our most favored Psalm. Often seen on cards or shared at funerals, Psalm 23…


    Good news for the shepherds

  • Christmas study at the jail

    BY DAWN REED At the jail Sunday, female inmates sat on the floor as we studied the first part of the Christmas story. Due to the number incarcerated, we were squeezed into the visitation room. No one complained.  We always begin by telling them why we’re there. We want to remind them that God sees…


    Christmas study at the jail

  • How can this be?

    BY DAWN REED That day, it was only a poor teenage girl and the angel of the Lord (Luke 1:26-38). There was a lot to take in. An angel. Good news. A baby on the way. The Son of God. Mary listened. Then she had a fair question: “How can this be?” Gabriel gave a…


    How can this be?

  • Asking for eggstra help

    BY DAWN REED The deviled eggs nearly ruined the Thanksgiving feast before it began. The apostle Paul had a thorn in the flesh. I believe I’ve found mine: peeling boiled eggs. I grew up in a family of delicious meals, holiday or not. Almost every one of them featured a crystal tray filled with beautiful…


    Asking for eggstra help

  • Not being scared

    BY DAWN REED It is my great privilege to be a dental assistant at a pediatric practice. I didn’t find out what I wanted to be when I grew up until I was 44. (Late bloomer.) Most people despise going to the dentist. They hate it like, well, a toothache. Despite that, helping kids and…


    Not being scared

  • Relishing Thanksgiving

    BY DAWN REED The difference between a Northern cook and a Southern one is often revealed during the holidays. I married a man from the South. He was living in Sidney at the time, but he had roots in Georgia and Florida. He came from a place of black-eyed peas, savory ham, and cornbread dressing…


    Relishing Thanksgiving

  • Telling the Story: Remembering our veterans

    BY DAWN REED Forgetting things is a pet peeve of mine. Oh, it’s not a big deal to me if you forget stuff. It’s when I forget stuff that it drives me bonkers. I’ve said for years that I wouldn’t have been able to play sports because I so hate it when I drop the…


    Telling the Story: Remembering our veterans

  • Telling the story: One small thing

    BY DAWN REED Several years ago, I started having chest pains-not terrible, but consistent. It concerned me, but I kept it to myself.  Just before that, totally unsolicited, my pharmacist friend mentioned that heart disease is a leading cause of death in women over 50. Yay. I was over 50. After a few weeks of…


    Telling the story: One small thing