Storms of all kinds
The word storm is used 42 times in the NIV Bible, 19 in the New King James, 17 in the King James. No matter how many times the word is written, we know storms are a part of our everyday life. One of the best-known storm stories is found in Luke 8 and Mark 4.…
Starting with a question
The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 may seem like an old story, but if we take a fresh look at it, we can see it is a reminder of how God draws us to Him. His goal is for everyone to come to know Him (2 Peter 3:9) and He…
Sweet Surprises
At age 78, Miss Gay has thrown caution to the wind. She tried her very first Pop Tart last week – and loved it. “I ate the whole thing!” she exclaimed. Oh, Miss Gay had heard plenty about Pop-Tarts. Lots of it was from me. (I had a love affair with toaster pastries for decades.)…
Life is a vapor
Steve has been going through chemo. Again. He was at church last week. “How are you doing?” I asked, knowing it had been a long road. With a half laugh he answered, “Well, I’m dying.” Down the hall, Skeeter (not his birth name) heard what Steve had said. “We’re all dying!” he called out. I…
Little things
The motion detector kept going off in the middle of the night. Who or what would be in the backyard in the pitch dark? My beloved went to the back door but couldn’t see anything. He returned to bed. Minutes later, the alarm went off again. He went to see what had caused the commotion. Once…
Digging into the world
Our dog, Dixie, digs into our couch almost every day. She roots around pushing her nose into the crevices as far as she possibly can, persistently sniffing and scratching at the material. Dixie is positive there is a hidden treasure beneath the cushions. I assure her often nothing is in there, but she doesn’t believe…
Plugged in
It was pitch dark. Darker than usual. Something was different. And there was a nip in the air. Chillier than usual. That’s when we realized the power was off. The weather forecasters had hit the nail on the head. Snow and ice blanketed our area. While it was magnificent and picturesque to look at, trees…
Pondering the past
Last spring, our mission team in the Bahamas was trying to get home. Every flight had been canceled due to raging storms. After countless hours in the airport, we were taken by bus to rest at a hotel for a few hours. I barely slept. All night the events of our trip whirled through my…
My resolutions for you
Jan. 1 is one of my favorite days of the year. Like a kid on Christmas Eve, I am giddy with expectations: a new year, a clean slate. New adventures and experiences lie in wait as we step into 2025! I’m nothing if not reflective at this time of year, pondering the last 12 months,…
The gift in the manger
I can’t stop thinking about that first Christmas morning. Mary and Joseph must have been exhausted, mentally and physically. So much had happened: an unexpected pregnancy, the disbelief–at first–of Joseph, a long trip to Bethlehem to pay taxes, no room in the inn, unexpected guests. Lying in the manger was the Son of God –…