Category: Pastor’s Pen

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  • The Pastor’s Pen: I must tell Jesus

    One of the loneliest times we can have comes when we face a time of need without having a loving friend to talk to about it. Everyone needs at least one trusted friend in whom to confide. Elisha A. Hoffman, author and composer of more than 2,000 gospel songs, was pastor of a church in…


    The Pastor’s Pen: I must tell Jesus

  • The Pastor’s Pen: Spiritual baby food

    Have you ever tasted baby food? I have. It’s terribly bland. But babies have no other choice without teeth. They certainly can’t eat a nice, juicy steak! Sadly, some Christians are content with spiritual baby food. They are happy to go over and over the simple truths of the Scriptures and don’t move beyond the…


    The Pastor’s Pen: Spiritual baby food

  • The Pastor’s Pen: Two pennies

    We live in a fallen, sin-cursed world—a world where our Lord warned us that it would rain on the just and the unjust. There is no escape for anyone from the tragedies of this world. These events remind us that our anchor and our hope is not in this world but in our Lord and…


    The Pastor’s Pen: Two pennies

  • The Pastor’s Pen: Ignoring the barriers of the past

    Every four years, the world’s attention turns to the summer Olympic games. For a few days, men and women from around the globe gather to compete against the best. Amazing records are broken and new ones are set at these games. The four-minute-mile Just a few decades ago, track-and-field experts proudly declared that no runner…


    The Pastor’s Pen: Ignoring the barriers of the past

  • The Pastor’s Pen: How do you measure a Christian?

    A boy had been disobedient. His mother sent him to the corner and said, “You sit there,” to which he responded with folded arms slumped in his chair, “I might be sitting on the outside, but I’m standing on the inside.” That’s the way we are sometimes. Our hearts are full of willful stubbornness to…


    The Pastor’s Pen: How do you measure a Christian?

  • The Pastor’s Pen: The main thing

    Norman Cates shared the humorous story of a guy who prayed this prayer every morning: “Lord, if you want me to witness to someone today, please give me a sign to show me who it is.” One day he found himself on a bus when a big, burly man sat next to him. The bus…


    The Pastor’s Pen: The main thing

  • The Pastor’s Pen: You will find Jesus there

    Do you have hope for tomorrow if the doctor gave you bad news today? Did you know that unless you die in an accident or suddenly of a heart attack or stroke, every one of us is going to hear bad news from a doctor one day. Are you prepared for that day? The important…


    The Pastor’s Pen: You will find Jesus there

  • Happy, Happy, Happy

    “I Want to Be Pretty.” This is the title of a popular TV program that was airing in Poland last year. It was a reality TV show in which, in every episode, you follow the changes of two women who are the heroes of the program. Each of these women works with a team of…


    Happy, Happy, Happy

  • Trust your King

    From a great chess player of Cincinnati, we learn that in the early part of the last century, an artist who was also a great chess player painted a picture of a chess game. The players were a young man and Satan. The young man manipulated the white pieces; Satan the black pieces. The issue…


    Trust your King

  • Freedom ‘for’

    Robert Youngs gives this illustration: I have on my table a violin string… it is free. I twist one end of it and it responds. It is free. But it is not free to do what a violin string is supposed to do–produce music. So I take it, fix it in my violin and tighten…


    Freedom ‘for’