Pushing the Rock


I have been pondering a story of a weak, sickly man. The man was so sick and he could not afford to go to town to the doctor. The man lived in the deep back woods in an old log cabin, and his condition seemed to grow worse.

Out in front of his cabin was a huge boulder. The rock was massive in front of his place. One night in a very real vision, God told him to go out there and push the huge rock all day long, day after day. The man got up early in the morning, and with great excitement, he pushed the rock until lunch, then he rested a while and pushed the rock until supper time. The man loved pushing against the rock. It gave him meaning.

The dream was so real that it was with great excitement that he pushed against the rock. Day after day, he pushed. Days rolled into weeks, weeks into months, and he faithfully pushed against the rock.

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