Cal Ripken signups run until end of month


INEZ — It is time for camping chairs, coolers and dirt to fill your vehicles every week. Cal Ripken has opened signups for Martin County with opening day set for April 12.

Baseball and softball will be $60 per child. T-ball will be $50. Discounts are available for siblings.

Signups run until the end of February with field days on March 1 and 2.

All teams will re-draft this year on March 2.

Age brackets are: T-ball 4-5. Coach pitch 6-8. Cal Ripken 9-12. Softball 9-13.

Divisions are determined by what age the child will be on or after May 1. Softball will be determined on or after Jan. 1.

For more information, follow the Martin County KY Cal Ripken League on Facebook.

Sign up here.


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