Apply for winter heating assistance: LIHEAP crisis program open through March 15

Households facing heating emergencies can get assistance now. Enrollment for the Winter Crisis component of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) began Jan. 7 and will continue through March 15 at Community Action Program offices.

This program provides the minimum amount required to resolve a heating crisis up to a set maximum for eligible households. Assistance covers a range of fuel types including electricity, natural gas, propane, coal, wood and fuel oil.

Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis during the enrollment period with income eligibility capped at 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

CAP pays the benefits directly to fuel vendors.

Participants may reapply for additional crises until they reach the program’s maximum benefit limit.

How to Apply

Interested households must apply in person at their local Community Action Program office. Applicants must provide the following documentation:

  • Social Security numbers or Permanent Resident cards for all household members.
  • Proof of all household income from the prior month.
  • A current electric bill or documentation such as a lease agreement or utility statement if heating costs are included in rent.
  • Account numbers and names associated with primary heating fuel sources.

For natural gas or electricity assistance, applicants must present a disconnect notice, such as a past-due or termination notice or evidence of an arrearage payment plan balance.

Renters whose heating costs are included in rent must provide both a copy of their lease and an eviction notice.

Households enrolled in prepay electric programs must submit utility statements indicating 10 days or less of prepaid electric service remaining.

Prior participation in LIHEAP does not impact eligibility for the Winter Crisis program.

Where to Apply

The Big Sandy Area Community Action Program operates offices in Martin, Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin and Pike counties:

  • Martin County – 387 East Main Street, Inez. 606-298-3217
  • Floyd County – 60 Court Street, Allen. 606-874-3595
  • Johnson County – 230 Court Street, Paintsville. 606-789-3641
  • Magoffin County- 862 Parkway Drive, Salyersville. 606-349-2217
  • Pike County 478 Town Mountain Road, Pikeville. 606-432-2775

For more information visit a BSACAP office, call 800-456-3452 or visit

LIHEAP is funded through a block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Community Action Kentucky administers the program in collaboration with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

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