Legislative Update: Supporting Kentucky Veterans


For the past several weeks, I have used this column to highlight the legislation we passed this session to make Kentucky a better place for every citizen. This week we observe Memorial Day, a time to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy the safety and freedoms we often take for granted. I would like to pause in remembrance of those fallen heroes, to thank them for their great sacrifice, and to honor their memory.

We must remember that our freedom is not free and that it is thanks to those who paid the ultimate price that we are able to live freely. While we honor those who have perished in the name of our nation, let us also thank the brave men and women who continue to protect us each and every day.

This session, we were committed to passing measures that honor Kentucky’s fallen heroes and continue to support our veterans and their families. This week I want to take the opportunity to share a few of those with you.

Honoring and Remembering Kentucky WWII Veterans: Over 307,000 Kentuckians selflessly served their country in World War II, and it is estimated that 2,000 to 3,000 WWII veterans still call Kentucky home today. We honored their service and sacrifice by passing HJR 42, a resolution that grants the family of the last remaining World War II veteran in Kentucky, upon his or her passing, the option of the veteran to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and receive a funeral with full military honors.

Prioritizing Veteran Healthcare: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated 877,450 veterans nationally and 12,800 veterans in Kentucky. In this session, we passed HCR 40, a resolution urging Kentucky’s Congressional delegation to communicate the importance of including Kentucky’s VA Medical Centers in the Center for Compassionate Innovation, a federal VA pilot program aimed at helping veterans with TBI and PTSD through hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment. We value our active-duty military, National Guard and Reserve members and veterans and work to ensure they have access to proper medical care.

Providing Military Leave for State Employees: In supporting our veterans here in Kentucky, we want to ensure they are able to remain employed and able to provide for themselves and their families. We passed HB 345 to allow military members who are state employees a leave of absence up to six months without penalty if they are injured due to active or inactive duty training.

Recognizing Military Spouses: This session we also passed legislation aimed at supporting the spouses of our servicemen and women across the state. HB 91 waives the fees for occupational licenses for spouses of current military whose careers require them. This bill aids in the transition period for families stationed in the Commonwealth and recognizes them for the sacrifices they make.

Aiding Military Families: Kentucky’s Military Family Assistance Trust Fund, known as MFAST, provides funds for servicemen and women to return home for a funeral or other unexpected event. This session we passed HB 636 to broaden the scope of the fund to ensure our National Guard members serving stateside are able to get back home to their families in times of need.

As always, I can be reached through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at 1-800-372-7181. Feel free to contact me via email at Norma.KirkMcCormick@lrc.ky.gov. If you would like more information, please visit the LRC website legislature.ky.gov.


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