INEZ — The Martin County CARES (Community Action for Recovery Enhancement and Support) hosted the fourth annual Swinging for Recovery event Saturday at Frank Horn Ballfield. Individuals, families and organizations committed to promoting recovery from addiction and mental health challenges came together in a show of strength and resilience.
The day was filled with softball games, music, food, fun and laughter.
During the event, Gary L. Stafford was recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for his work in the recovery community for being the “utmost example of what servant leadership looks like” and for his selfless work in helping others find recovery.
As the sun set on a day, many left the ballpark with renewed determination and a sense of belonging. The Recovery Event celebrated individual achievements and promoted a spirit of solidarity, reminding everyone that recovery is a journey best traveled together.
In a world where challenges can often feel isolating, the Recovery Event encouraged individuals to share their stories, seek help and embrace the power of community. It was a day to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to a future where recovery is possible for all.
Thank you to all who sponsored this event in partnership with the MC Cares program: Thrive Community Coalition, Serenity House-MCCC, ARC, Rise Above, Frontier, Special Courts, Horizon Recovery, OVP and UNITE.