The Pastor’s Pen: Who am I?

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant used to love to take long walks on a summer evening, meditating and thinking. On one occasion he was seated in a park when a suspicious policeman noticed that he had been there for several hours.

The policeman came up to him and said, “What are you doing?” The philosopher replied, “I’m thinking.”

The policeman said, “Who are you?” Kant said, “That’s precisely the problem I’ve been thinking about. ‘Who am I?’”

It was this same philosopher who proposed that life could be reduced to four basic questions: What can I know? What ought I do? What may I hope? What is man, or who am I?

We must wonder, in view of the vastness and majesty of His creation, why God would be mindful of and care for man. “What is man” in God’s eyes?

Psalm 8:4: “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” What is man that You think about him, the son of man that You look after him? Why does God care about us?

The Bible tells us that God is love. The Bible says, “God so loved the world.” God loves us because that’s what He does. God loves. God cares. God watches us with loving care.

Who am I? Every person could ask that question. Ask yourself this question: Who am I? First of all let this be settled: I am created by God, loved by God, cared for by God, and watched over by God.

Who am I? Unfortunately I am a sinner. I have inherited sin through Adam. Romans 5:12: “I am loved by God but condemned by a Just and Holy God because my sin has separated me from Him.”

Who am I? I am someone of infinite worth to God. I am someone that God loved so much that He saw my sinful condition and, with loving care, did something about it. He sent His Son, who knew no sin, to pay the debt for my sin.

Who am I? Without Christ I am nothing, can be nothing, and will come to nothing, but with Jesus is everything that leads to life and life more abundant.

Who am I? If I am trusting in Christ, He is in me and I am in Him. He is life. He is my life.

Who am I? It depends upon who you trust. If I trust in what I think and what I feel then I will never have answers to my questions. If I trust in Jesus He is the answer to all of my questions. Then the question is not “Who am I?” but “Who is He?” Through Him, Jesus Christ, I will know who I am and, in turn, will know Who He is.

Jack Ward is the pastor at Tomahawk Missionary Baptist Church. Watch his sermons and read sermon texts and other articles by visiting Listen to Pastor Jack’s sermons on WSIP FM 98.9 every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Watch his sermons on his Facebook page. Find him on Rumble, Bitchute and Brighteon video platforms.


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