Vice President Harris: ‘I did not ban fracking, nor will I’

Vice President Kamala Harris recently interviewed with Dana Bash on CNN. In that interview Harris made sure that Bash and the country understood that she had not banned fracking during her term as vice president, nor would she ban fracking as president. Harris made it clear that she has been in charge all along. She did not say “we,” “President Biden,” or “our administration.” She said “I.”

Harris should have made some other postulations during the interview. She did not reverse Roe v Wade or create a new national abortion law. She has had almost four years to slug out some kind of new national policy, but she has not.

Harris did not secure our borders. Over 8 million undocumented people have flooded into our country during the Biden/Harris reign. This is a population the size of New York City. She will not even visit the Southern border. She has not done anything about our national border security crisis. Towns like Aurora, Colorado, are seeing the results of gangs entering our country.

Why would we be duped into thinking this will change if we promote her to president?

Americans are becoming hungrier every day. We are spending more money at the grocery store and coming home with less food every week. In the fall of 2022 inflation was 11%. It has slowed recently but Americans have not caught up. Senior Americans cannot catch up unless there is a larger Social Security increase. Teacher pensions and others have not caught up to the increased cost of living.

This has all happened on her watch. She sits in the second-highest office in the world. If she cannot be influential at that desk, she will not be successful sitting in the Oval Office.

Interest rates have strangled home and car buyers. Credit card debt has skyrocketed. Has Harris made life easier for Americans who need housing and a car to drive? No. Most Americans cannot currently afford to buy a house and rent is a major strain.

Harris has done nothing to stop the barrage of fentanyl and other illegal drugs pouring into this country, resulting in thousands of American deaths.

What has Harris done to make the world safer? Six hostages held by Hamas were executed in the last few days. Netanyahu and Israel’s army were moving very close to where these hostages were being held to rescue them. While this was going on, President Biden was at his favorite place, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Harris was out campaigning. She has done nothing to resolve the Israel-Hamas war. She had not made any efforts to meet with Vladimir Putin to resolve the Ukraine war.

What has Harris done? She is right. She has not banned fracking in Pennsylvania or any other state, but she has not done anything else either. We are dependent on foreign oil. She has done nothing to make America energy-independent. We should use everything we have: wind, solar, oil, gas and coal. Have electric cars, gasoline cars, planes, trains and whatever. Why can we not have a balance and once again be energy-independent? We can, but Harris is not leading the charge to make this happen.

I do not see how our country can survive four more years of what we have been through. Twelve of the last 16 years of the presidency have been held by Barack Obama and the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris team. What eight or even four more years would bring is a scary thought.

Dr. Glenn Mollette is published in all 50 states. Find his books on Learn more about his books, columns and music at

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