In Loving Memory of Ethel ‘Sissy’ Damron Smith (1945—2024)

Beloved Aunt and Great-Great-Grandmother

Aunt “Sissy” was the rock of her family in Crum, West Virginia, where her generosity and love for her friends and family will surely be missed.

Her sister, nieces and nephew in California will remember her as an easygoing and loyal woman who was always quick with a joke or a compliment to make you feel at ease.

She spent her younger years in California, where she lived an amazing and adventurous life, making lifelong friends along the way.

When she moved back to Crum to help with her aging parents, we thought it would be temporary and that she would return to us in California.

But life is unpredictable, and her mother needed her even more after the passing of her father. So, she stayed and made Crum her home.

She lived through the unbearable pain of losing all three of her children, Ricky, Dawn and Michael.

She lived to see two great-great-grandchildren born and remained the center and the soul of the Damron family until her passing.

Aunt “Sissy” was the matriarch of the family, and the example she set with her strength and courage will echo for generations.

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