Alliance apologizes


INEZ — Alliance Water Resources retracted and apologized after an employee stated Martin County Water District was conducting a security deposit audit and requiring all customers to pay a deposit if they had no proof of paying it before.

AWR division manager Craig Miller issued a written statement Thursday.

“Recently a post was made on social media stating that the Water District was going to be auditing customers without deposits and forcing them to pay,” Miller wrote.

“The reality is our employee was relaying a message that I gave her, based on my understanding of current practice. This practice was in fact not a written policy. Our employees do the best they can to work through difficult situations, following policies and rules relayed by me. I apologize for any confusion that has been created by my misunderstanding.”

Miller said district staff was working on a written policy to submit for approval by the Martin County Water District Board concerning security deposits.

“To be clear the recommended policy will not require deposits from current active customer accounts,” he wrote.

“Once again, I apologize for my misunderstanding. If you ever have any questions regarding rules or policies at the water district, please feel free to contact me.”


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