Tire cleanup successful in Williamson

Nathan Carlin holds up a sign at the free tire disposal drop-off Saturday in the parking lot of the Williamson Water Plant. Hundreds of tires have been properly disposed of during the last couple of years.


WILLIAMSON, W.Va. — The free tire disposal and cleanup in Williamson has been successful so far for the month of April.

On the first Saturday that the free disposal was available, 254 old tires were dropped off at the designated site.

The site is the same as last year and is located in the parking lot of the Williamson Water Plant. The Water Plant is located at 317 Second Avenue, just past the Vinson Street intersection.

The annual tire drop-off sponsors include REAP, Friends of Tug Fork River, Veolia Water, the City of Williamson and the Mingo County Solid Waste Authority.

On Saturday, April 13, before 9:30 a.m., several tires had been dropped off.

The disposal times each Saturday in April go from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This event is for West Virginia residents only, not for tire dealers or any other type of business. The limit is 10 tires per person.

Hundreds of tires have been properly disposed of in the last couple of years instead of ending up illegally dumped in the Tug River, tributaries or the countryside.

A similar tire drop-off was sponsored by the Martin County Fiscal Court during the week of April 8-13.

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