AlleyWay Benefits brings Christmas cheer to family

The Walker family poses for a picture with AlleyWay founder Ricky Alley and Santa Claus. Pictured left to right: Ashley Walker holds her son Michael, AlleyWay founder Ricky Alley holds Walker’s son Chase, and Santa holds Walker’s son Liam. Walker’s daughter Shaylee is not pictured.


FORT GAY, W.Va. — In a display of holiday spirit, AlleyWay Benefits brought an early Christmas surprise to a single mother and her four young children in Fort Gay.

Led by founder Ricky Alley, AlleyWay Benefits and a network of gospel groups and church leaders have brought an annual benefit gospel sing to Warfield Park for over a decade. For the last two years, AlleyWay’s outreach has included an initiative to provide Christmas gifts to children.

Ashley Walker is a 31-year-old single mother. Her children are Liam, age 2; Michael, age 3; Chase, age 6 months; and Shaylee, age 7.

Over the weekend Alley, accompanied by Santa, arrived at Walker’s doorstep laden with Christmas gifts. The surprise visit left Walker’s children brimming with excitement and joy.

“Our families are chosen and are truly families in need,” Alley explained, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to helping those struggling.

Alley became aware of Walker’s situation during the summer while assisting her landlord with installing heaters in her mobile home. Since then, AlleyWay has been a source of support, delivering several food boxes to Walker’s family.

In preparation for the Christmas surprise, Alley obtained a list of desired gifts from Walker to ensure her children received what they most wished for.

“We went out and got those things,” Alley stated.

The generosity of AlleyWay Benefits extended beyond the children. Before departing, Alley and Santa presented Walker with an envelope containing a special gift for her.


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