Judge Lafferty: Unity defines community

In a ceremony at the All-Sports Hall of Fame induction, Martin County Judge/Executive Lon Lafferty, a longtime Inez doctor, summed up the spirit of Martin County in his welcoming remarks.

The judge’s speech celebrated the achievements of sports luminaries and portrayed an image of a community united by shared values and strengths in the face of adversity.

Lafferty’s address highlighted the role sports have played in Martin County. By honoring both men and women athletes, he revealed a commitment to gender equality in sports, a worthy point given the historical marginalization of women in this arena. This acknowledgment, especially of women’s contributions, speaks to Martin County’s progressive stance.

Lafferty also touched upon the essentiality of sports as a leveler – where economic status and social connections fade into the background, leaving pure skill and dedication to shine.

The judge did not shy away from acknowledging the challenges faced by the county, particularly the water and sewage issues that have plagued the community for decades.

His candidness about these problems is a welcome departure from the often glossed-over narratives by public officials.

The county’s leader pointed out that these issues do not define the community.

Lafferty’s comments about sports figures like AJ and Mary Lou Haney and Robin Harmon Newsome, who continue to inspire and uplift the community, and about his late stepson Brent Weaver, who continues to give life to five other people through organ donation, are a reminder of the impact one person can have.

When it comes to times of crisis, unity, as described by Lafferty, is necessary to overcome.

The judge pointed to the recent collective action of churches, businesses and residents in providing support and comfort during the Pontiki Prep Plant disaster earlier this month, as examples of the strength and compassion inherent in Martin County.

Lafferty’s remarks at the Hall of Fame ceremony are a reminder that the strength of the community lies in its people’s ability to unite and uplift each other in the face of adversity and celebrate each other during the appropriate times.


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