I didn’t want to share my pie. That sounds terrible, but it was blackberry—my very favorite. While Mr. and Mrs. Walker gave it to my beloved for pastor appreciation, I knew it was actually for me because they know it’s my favorite. My beloved doesn’t like the seeds, so it was all mine. It’s one of those treasures from heaven I only get a few times a year. I planned to enjoy every single morsel.
I had divvied it up in my head. I could eat one piece of pie for supper, then one for breakfast the next day. Another for that day’s supper and so on. Sweets make my stomach hurt, but I was willing to press through it.
Eating a whole pie, though? By myself? That would be stingy. I weighed my options. The girls at work would love it. They had never ever tasted this heavenly delight. It would be such a blessing to all of them. Knowing it was the right thing, I determined to share it the next day. I still cut out two large pieces to keep. Didn’t want to go completely crazy.
They loved it and moaned while eating each bite. Good food is always better shared. If I kept it only for myself, I would have gotten a belly ache.
There’s something else I never ever want to be stingy with: God’s Word. I want to share it and need to. Yet when the opportunity comes, I sometimes get scared; my heart races. Here I stand, holding the Words of Life and shaking in my Crocs. If I keep it to myself, it changes only me. If I give it away, it can change the lives of others. How do I share God’s life-changing words with those around me even if I’m nervous?
I need something to bridge the gap, so I make Bible verse cards. (They’re printed on cardstock.) Joshua 1:9 is my favorite to share: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you…” Who doesn’t need strength and courage? Bible verse cards help me get God’s Word into the hands of the lost, downtrodden, troubled, and it can make a difference. Isaiah 55:11 reminds us that God’s Word will not return empty but will accomplish His purpose. That means every time we share Scripture, God can use it.
Another personal ministry tool is something I call a “Cup of Strength.” It’s a cup or coffee mug with 30 strength-focused Bible verses inside. It doesn’t cost a lot. I get old coffee mugs from ladies at church, Goodwill or antique stores. They’re great to share with visitors at church and new members, co-workers, employees at our bank and local businesses, new moms, moms of young kids and older kids, neighbors, college students, people going through cancer treatments, new homeowners, those who have lost a spouse, etc. A note goes inside each one with the reason for the gift and instructions to hang the verses, carry them and remember them. (I get messages and texts back about how Scripture has spoken.)
My ways aren’t the only ways—just what works for me.
God’s Word changes lives—even more than the Walkers’ blackberry pie. Sharing pie is good, but the very best thing to share is the gospel.