Meet Virgil Eugene Jude

Virgil Eugene Jude
Age 49

Education/work experience:

•Sheldon Clark High School Graduate Class of 1990

•I have been a surface miner for over 20 years.

To what extent have you been a part of the location government in Martin County?

I have been registered to vote and have voted since I was 18 years old.

What do you believe to be the top three issues affecting Martin County?

•There are not enough businesses.

•There is nothing for the young ones to do.

•Plain and simple people need more help.

If elected, what changes/goals would you advocate and why?

My main goal would be to keep the roadways clear and ditches clean.

Don’t wait until election to get things done. These are the things you are voted in to take care of in the four years you hold this position.

In no more than 400 words, tell us why the voters should choose you for office.

I am honest and dependable. I try to treat everyone the same. I will work hard to earn your trust and your votes.

If elected I will do my best not only to get the job done and things taken care of but to keep them done throughout the entire time I am in office.

It is easy to stand back and tell what you would do. It is only when you are elected into this position that you can honestly “show” what you are going to try to do.

Elect me and let me show you what I am wanting to try to get done for our little community.

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