“At exit 15, turn left. Go 8 miles and turn right. In 2 miles, turn left and go six more miles.” We had exact directions. It sounded like a treasure map. Indeed, it was. After an hour and 40 minutes, we arrived at our destination: Bethel Christian Church.
My friend Becky and I barely made it in time. The place was packed. Chairs had been set out. We climbed over several people to claim a seat.
This was not just any ordinary Sunday but the celebration of Brother Doyle Spry’s 95th birthday. And HE was doing the preaching. A multitude had come out to recognize the retired preacher who was still actively spreading the good news. Unexpectedly, a charter bus arrived carrying a load of family from Ohio along with their pastor.
Preacher Spry was ordained as a minister in 1972. He had been the pastor of Bethel Christian Church (Irvine) for 32 years. You could tell by the packed pews and chairs that he had touched many lives. While serving there, he did 66 weddings and 229 funerals. One Sunday he baptized 23 people. Though retired and turning 95, he continues to encourage others and uses every opportunity to point people to Jesus. He supply-preaches, writes out sermons and newspaper articles, records sermons on DVDs, and uses an old-school device that is nearly forgotten: the telephone. Several people shared the impact the nonagenarian had made in their lives. That fact was confirmed by looking around the crowded sanctuary. He had personally invited each one of us.
Looking dapper in a tan suit, the birthday boy waited in his wheelchair for his turn to sing and then speak. Raising his voice, he announced, “In my hands I hold the most important thing in the world: The Word of God.”
At the beginning of his sermon, Bro. Spry shared about his wife, Emma, who had passed in 1995, right before his 65th birthday. They had been married for 45 years. He showed a lovely picture of her and let us know he still misses her. He also mentioned that she took detailed notes each time he preached, sometimes writing “good sermon” in the margin. Not every time, he said, but sometimes. We all snickered.
There were three main points in Sunday’s sermon. The Bible gives 1) facts to believe, 2) commandments to obey, and 3) warnings to be held. (I made notes in my Bible so I would always remember.) Emma Spry would have written that it was a good one.
Preacher Spry told us he was convicted of his sin and gave his heart to Jesus at the age of 13. Talking about Jesus, he shared, “He gets sweeter and He gets greater.” His favorite saying at 95 is, “I’m not gonna let up, ease up or shut up until I’m taken up.” Then, he finished with, “Really and truly, I’m just getting warmed up.” After the service, there was a dinner and birthday cake.
Psalm 71:18 brings Doyle Spry to mind: “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.” He is doing just that.
It is clear that Brother Spry surrendered his heart AND life to Jesus many years ago. What a blessing he still is at almost 100.