Library board reads budget

Martin County Library Board members Maurice Mills (left) and John Triplett (right) during a meeting Monday.


LOVELY — The Martin County Public Library board conducted the first reading of an $806,278 budget for the fiscal year 2024 during a meeting Monday at the Rufus Reed Library in Lovely.

Board member John Triplett noted expenditures had increased.

“Looks like about 60% of all your expenditures are more this year than they were last year,” Triplett said. “Looks like everything is going up.”

Board chairman Donny Osborne agreed, “Everything has gone up.”

“Well the parking lot is looking better,” board member Denise Stepp commented.

After agreeing with Stepp, Osborne said the library district’s overall expenditures would be less than last year’s.

“I would hesitate, but probably more than $100,000 less than we spent last year,” said Osborne.

Board member Maurice Mills said tax revenue had also increased.

“That’s a good thing,” Mills said.

Osborne pointed to utility bills, which the budget projects will run around $12,500 per month for the Collier Center and the Rufus Reed Library.

“The utility bills, we’re still having a hard time wrapping our heads around,” said Osborne. “We should have seen a decrease this year, but we have not.”

The 2023-2024 budget includes expenditures of $744,050, revenue of $746,278, and a carry-over of $60,000.

Revenue itemization includes $400,900 from local taxes: real property $185,000, tangible personal property $52,000, motor vehicle $35,000, omitted tangible property $500, motor vehicle from other counties $7,400, delinquent tax $30,000, franchise tax $90,000, gas and oil $500, and unmined mineral $500.

Other revenue itemization comprises telecommunication tax $5,000, library fees and fines $1,545, interest $2,500, donations and gifts $500, reimbursements $2,000, ticket/concession sales $80,000, special events $300, cinema rental $3,500, vending $4,500, rentals $10,000, programs $2,000, other $3,300, sublease income $30,000, and a carry-over of $200,000.

Expenditures are itemized as $27,000 for books and other library materials, $332,500 for personnel, $348,250 for general operating, $13,000 for computer expenses, $2,000 for education, dues and travel, $6,000 capital outlay, $10,000 building furnishings, $4,000 equipment and $1,000 software.

According to the April financial report, the library district’s current assets through April 2023 are $570,586.

Triplett suggested the board increase the budget line item for training and certification for library staff and the board members.

“Continuing education is a big part of any job, especially a job like this,” said Triplett.

Board member Willa Preston and other board members agreed.

In discussing the new budget, Osborne said the library had spent about $4,500 advertising the movies in the newspaper during the 10 months of the current fiscal year. Next year’s budget contains $6,000 for public relations, but Osborne suggested adding to that line item to accommodate a request for $1,000 by Christmas in the Mountains.

“If you look at last week’s paper, it was a whole half of a page, and the colors were wonderful,” Osborne said. “The paper does good for us.”

The board agreed to add $1,000 to the public relations line.

The board will adjust a few budget line items and conduct a second reading at the next meeting.

Board vacancy

Preston’s term on the board will expire in July. Since she has served two consecutive terms, she will not be eligible for reappointment within a one-year period, according to Osborne. The library board will accept applications for a new board member. Applications are available at both libraries.

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