
Dear Editor:

Smith & Wesson made all people equal. Now our government is attempting to set us peasants back into caveman times.

Just think of all the men and women who gave their very lives for our hard-earned freedoms.

Crime is all around us daily. Drugs are all around us daily. Here’s a thought, shut down the borders until one or both are eradicated.

Our founding fathers were genius men. They knew the time would eventually raise its ugly head and the men and women we voted into office, out of power and greed, would overspend and grow the government too large and attempt to take back our freedoms.

Our founding fathers believed we were stronger than the temptations of today. They believed we would never go back on those freedoms, so hard-earned won.

God blessed us to find this wondrous beautiful land, and what did we do? We have taken it for granted. Lucky for us, we come from the one and only God who sacrificed his life so that we would have second chances. I pray we learn to be wise. We are running out of chances.

Linda McGuire
Grove City, Ohio

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