Mother’s Day and your time


You may have lost your mother early in life or never really knew your mother. My two sons were only 17 and 20 when their mother passed at the age of 49 from multiple sclerosis. Mother’s Day is a tough day for them and many others around the world. This day may be very difficult for you.

My mother has also passed on, but I remember her as one of the hardest-working persons I’ve ever known.  On Sunday and often during the week, she loved getting dressed up and going to church. One of the greatest enjoyments of her life was singing in a gospel quartet with my dad and another lovely couple.

Eula Hinkle Mollette was just the best mom ever. Yes, I’m prejudiced of course.

Mom helped me with my homework. She washed and ironed my clothes. She put breakfast on the table for me every morning. She had something for me to eat every day when I came home from school. She read to me when I was a child and took care of me when I was sick.

During the summer we would carry water from our nearby creek to wash clothes. Typically, we caught rainwater in large tubs to wash our clothes, but summer months often brought dry weather.

We had lunch together every day during the summer break. Usually, it was a homemade sandwich and sometimes a candy bar from Grandpa Hinkle’s grocery store. I once wanted root beer, and she said, “You won’t like it.”  I debated that I would, but I didn’t. I was stuck with the root beer.

She never hesitated to set me straight with a peach tree limb across my backside.

If she were alive today, I would try to make up for all the things I didn’t do or didn’t consider doing. I always had good intentions for all the things I might try to do for Mom and Dad, but they slipped from this life before I had the opportunity.

Missed opportunities often happen to most of us. We have good intentions, but often we don’t have the ability to act on those intentions. I’m envious of those who are able to do a lot for their moms and dads, and I wish that I could have done more.

However, so often what we can do are the simplest things that mean so much. Today, I don’t want my family to do anything for me but call me or visit me occasionally. A hug and some shared times are the most meaningful to me. Some good quality time is actually the best gift we can give to Mom, Dad or anyone.

Our time is fleeting for us all. To be generous with a visit, conversation and sharing of life is probably the most precious gift we can give.

Mother’s Day is coming. Set aside your best gift – your time.

Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools, including Georgetown College, Southern and Lexington Seminaries in Kentucky. He is the author of 13 books, including “Uncommon Sense,” “Spiritual Chocolate” series, “Grandpa’s Store,” “Minister’s Guidebook Insights from a Fellow Minister.” His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states. Listen every weekday at 8:56 a.m. on X.M. radio 131, visit him online at “Grandpa’s Store” is a fun and adventure-filled story from the perspective of a child and young teen in the late 50s and early 70s, an era of simpler American small-community life. Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

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