The greatest thing Jesus ever said


Some people have a way with words. They just have such a grasp of language and an eloquence of speech that they are always saying things that are deeply profound. Jesus was a person like that. All through the years of His recorded ministry, one thing about Him kept the people spellbound, and that thing was His ability to say things in a manner in which they had never been said before.

Just a brief glimpse into the Gospels proves this beyond question.

In Matthew 7:28-29, the Bible says that the people were astonished at His doctrine, because He had taught with power and authority. In Luke 4:22, the people who heard Him speak here were again amazed at the power of His spoken word. Even His enemies were astounded at the word which fell from the golden tongue of the Son of Man. (John 7:46)

Then, when we take a few minutes to consider some of the things Jesus said, we can see why the people were astonished. Jesus made some truly great statements! For example:

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