INEZ — Judge John T. Chafin heard the following cases March 10 and 11 in Martin District Court:
Jeffrey D. Bowen (motion hour) — Commercial driver license under influence of alcohol: Court has no jurisdiction over CDL license.
Cindy Lea Estepp (arraignment) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $1,000-$10,000: Bench warrant, $25,000 cash.
Ethan Hensley (arraignment) — 1. Public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol); 2. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 4/8/25 at 9 a.m.
Anthony Keathley (motion to set aside failure to appear) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Reset pretrial conference 5/6/25 at 9 a.m.
Anthony Keathley (motion to set aside failure to appear) — Reckless driving; operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Reset pretrial conference 5/6/25 at 9 a.m.
Scotty Virgil Meade (arraignment) — 1. Criminal trespass, first degree; 2. Menacing: 1. Pleaded guilty, 10 days, credit time served one day, balance probated one year, no new violation of law, stay off the property at 88 Cliffside Drive, pay cost. 2. Dismissed in exchange for plea. Show cause 9/9/25.
Alexandria Destiny Moore (arraignment) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license: Pleaded not guilty, pretrial conference 4/22/25 at 9 a.m.
Jeffrey Scott Spaulding (arraignment) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $1,000-$10,000: Bench warrant, $5,000 cash.
Michael Glen Spaulding (arraignment) — Theft by unlawful taking or disposition all others $1,000-$10,000: Bench warrant, $5,000 cash.
Michael Braden Walker (arraignment) — Speeding 16 mph over limit; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; no/expired registration plates; driving too fast for traffic conditions; improper registration plate: Order.
Scottie R. Thompson (court trial) — Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; no/expired registration plates; no/expired Kentucky registration receipt; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; possession of open alcoholic beverage container in motor vehicle: Reset for pretrial conference 4/8/25 at 9 a.m.
James Manier: Case dismissed due to age of case.
Teresa Rema Marcum (pretrial conference) — Violation of Kentucky EPO/DVO: Dismissed.
Floyd Ed Maynard (pretrial conference) — Sexual abuse, third degree: Pleaded guilty, 90 days to serve, credit 12, balance probated two years, no new violations of law and have no contact with juvenile except as recommended by Family Court. Defendant released 3/11/25 at 4 p.m., cost waived due to jail service.
Carmel Stacy (pretrial conference) — No/expired Kentucky registration receipt; no/expired registration plates; improper display of registration plates; license to be in possession; failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; failure to produce insurance card; failure to register transfer of motor vehicle; failure to wear seat belts; improper registration plate: Reset 4/22/25 at 9 a.m.
Carmel Stacy (pretrial conference) — No/expired registration plates; failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security, first; failure to produce insurance card; improper equipment: Reset 4/22/25 at 9 a.m.
Carmel Stacy (pretrial conference) — 1. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license; 2. No/expired registration plates; 3. Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first; 4. Failure to produce insurance card: 1. Reset 4/22/25 at 9 a.m.; 2-4. Dismissed.
Bryan Aldana (review) — Fugitive warrant not required: Dismissed, defendant picked up.
Joe Allen Evans (preliminary hearing) — Intimidating a participant in legal process: Reset 3/25/25 at 10:30 a.m., same bond conditions.
James Tyler Harmon (preliminary hearing) — Violation of air pollution standards and rules: Amended to criminal trespass, first, conditional dismissal—defendant must clean up property within 60 days. Pretrial conference 5/20/25 at 9 a.m.
James Howell (preliminary hearing) — Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense (methamphetamine); possession of controlled substance, second degree (drug unspecified); public intoxication of controlled substance (excludes alcohol): Waived to grand jury.
John Pack (preliminary hearing) — Drug paraphernalia-buy/possession; Trafficking in controlled substance; Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense; trafficking in marijuana less than 8 ounces, first offense: Waived to grand jury, bond amended to $25,000 surety.
Jonathan Pack (preliminary hearing) — Theft by deception includes cold checks $1,000-$10,000: Dismissed without prejudice.