“O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.” Psalm 34:9-10
Here’s a headline for you—There is No Lack in God’s Kingdom! Think about the obvious for a few moments. There has never been a time, ever in the history of ever, that God’s Kingdom has been in a budget deficit. He’s never had to put His financial “house in order” because it’s always been in perfect order. He’s never had to readjust the outflow of His resources, because His resources are always more than enough. No reason ever for a “Heavenly” DOGE audit. Why? Because God is the Master of resource efficiency, everything that He’s allowed to bless multiplies as needed, just like the loaves and fish of that young boy you heard about in Sunday School.
Last week we began to think about the illusion of lack that the world has used to fool the children of God into living a life of fear of running out of precious resources. Since grade school we’ve been taught that this Earth has limited resources, that because of this, there’s not enough to go around, that we need to conserve (think hoard), and for the sake of future generations we need to go without basic (and often less expensive) conveniences. Some have used this “sky is falling” narrative to push an anti-God, love of the creature more than the Creator, mindset, and to line their own pockets in the process. The Biblical truth of the matter is that God created this world with wisdom. He put all we would ever need here from the very beginning. He knows how long this world will last before His great revamp, and He’s made sure we will have all we need until we get to that point in Earth history.
Would you like some “scientific” proof of that very truth? Since for most people today scientific proof is the end of every argument and greatly elevated above God’s Word, I’m sure you would. Well, here you go. Back in 2012 the History Channel aired a series of shows entitled “What’s the Earth Worth.” It was a very interesting study concerning the monetary value of the material resources of the planet. At the conclusion of the series the producers determined that at that time (2012) the material resources of the Earth totaled together would come to seven quadrillion dollars. That’s seven with 15 zeros behind it. Yeah, that’s a lot. Now, take that information and consider how many people were alive on the Earth at that time. It was around 7 billion. Divide seven quadrillion by 7 billion, and, if you’ve done your math correctly, you’ll see that if Earth’s resources were divided evenly among everyone on the planet at that time there would have been enough for everyone on Earth to be a millionaire! Grand conclusion? There’s more than enough to go around! In reality, there is no lack on this planet. God made it with more than enough for everyone to have more than enough!
“But not everyone has enough!” some would rightly argue. True, but that’s not because there’s not more than enough to go around. It’s not because there is a lack of resources. Lack, therefore, is an illusion that only materializes in our lives by our faith in it, or better said, in our lack of faith in God’s provision.
Brothers and sisters, God is great at providing in the face of apparent lack. We see it throughout the historical events written in the Bible (e.g., I Kings 17, II Kings 7, Matthew 14-15). God has more than enough and He wants to provide for us. What is the key to receiving this? Being at the right place at the right time? No! It’s being in the right spiritual state of heart and mind! Those who enjoy abundant provision understand what’s available, and trust God for it. It’s a trust that is obedient to do what He says to do, and rests securely in the fact that He loves them enough to always provide.
Greg Crum is the pastor of Calvary Temple in Lovely.